Life Lesson: The Mountain Will Win and Your Wife is Right

We hold these truths to be self-evident.

Rusty Ellis
7 min readMar 9, 2018

Years ago I took my four-wheeler for a Saturday spin near Mt. Charleston (Nevada). It’s not too far from my home in northwest Las Vegas and there was a spot on top of one of the peaks I’d been itching to try and reach.

Of course, I took on this adventure by myself — genius that I am — with the idea my invincibility would keep me out of any real trouble.

I drove my quad up the short ramps into the back of my truck bed, strapped it down, hopped in the cab of the truck, and was off!

rusty quad truck
Me so happy to go riding. Notice the quad?

Stopping at a spot just off the main road, a couple turns off the pavement and found an empty area in the brush and parked. Lifting myself onto the tailgate, I started the engine to let it warm up.

After unstrapping the quad, I pulled on my gloves and a full-face helmet. The ramps in place, I climbed back into the truck bed and swung my leg up and over the seat. Reaching back with my right hand, I released the bent-over pole harboring a small flag…



Rusty Ellis

📚Husband. Father. Grandpa. Author of "Picture Perfect Murder" a Clean Detective Mystery Series - Crime Thriller. Available on Amazon -