My 1968 Calico Dream Machine

A 16 year old’s fantasy come true. 🚀

Rusty Ellis
5 min readMar 21, 2018

My parents promised to go in halfsies with me on my first vehicle. They had no idea of my expectations.

Let me back up a little.

In the Beginning

The day I turned 16 years old, my parents dropped me off with our 12-passenger family van at the local DMV to take my driver’s test — really, they dropped me off, it was a busy day for the family. After taking my test, and passing (BOOM!), I drove away from the DMV with a freshly minted driver’s license in my pocket and the world at my feet.

I knew I couldn’t live my life bargaining for use of the family van every time I needed to do something critical; like go to McDonald’s or head to the movies or a hockey game. Plus, showing up in a van repeatedly may have given me an unwanted nickname at school. Never a good thing and impossible to live-down.

Sharing my intentions to purchase a vehicle, my parents were gracious in offering to pay for half of the vehicle I found, and to cover my insurance. In retrospect, I think they were thrilled to add a “Rusty Taxi Service” to their household, alleviating some of their own errands around town, the result of having seven children (me being the eldest).



Rusty Ellis

📚Husband. Father. Grandpa. Author of "Picture Perfect Murder" a Clean Detective Mystery Series - Crime Thriller. Available on Amazon -