In the End, Don’t We Really All Want the Same Thing

Create and enjoy a country worth handing down to our children.

Rusty Ellis
3 min readMay 4, 2018

The constant political battle in the United States is exhausting. My wife’s tactic is to get me to turn off the news, it’s just too negative for her.

“I figure you will tell me if something happens that I need to know about.” — Wife

Smart move on her part, as I put on my hip-waders and grab a shovel to get ready for the Twitter mines. Oh yeah, forgot my earplugs. There we go, keep my feet dry, selectively use my earplugs, and wade through the muddle with my shovel to find what might — or might not — be the truth.

Sound familiar? Sorry if it does. I have an extra shovel if you need one.

15299 / Pixabay

As I Remember

  • I remember when we could disagree and still be Americans.



Rusty Ellis

📚Husband. Father. Grandpa. Author of "Picture Perfect Murder" a Clean Detective Mystery Series - Crime Thriller. Available on Amazon -