How to Bring Your Family Closer Together

Rusty Ellis
8 min readApr 5, 2019

Does it feel more and more like your family is being pulled in 100 different directions? And do all of these directions headed in the opposite direction of your family unit? Here’s five ways to bring your family closer together.

  1. Dinner time.
  2. Support family members at events.
  3. Hold a weekly family night.
  4. Take your family out to dinner.
  5. Model the behaviors you want to see in your children.

1. Dinner time.

If you were to ask me what is the single-most important way of keeping your family together and growing them closer I would have to say that it’s Dinner Time.

It’s not the actual act of eating — though that is a wonderful side benefit — but the opportunity of gathering your family to a daily event and communicating. Dinner time already exists, it’s just a matter of how you treat it, either passive or active.

A passive dinner time is when you don’t have a set time or any requirements for family members to attend dinner. It’s basically shrugging and having your children just “heat something up” from the fridge.

An active dinner time is when family members know that they are expected to attend dinner at a specified time each day. Holding…



Rusty Ellis

📚Husband. Father. Grandpa. Author of "Picture Perfect Murder" a Clean Detective Mystery Series - Crime Thriller. Available on Amazon -