“I just want one post to go viral,” said the liar.

Delusion of writing and being humble.

Rusty Ellis
3 min readMay 8, 2018

I’ve written before about checking my stats on Medium. You might say it’s an addiction. I can stop whenever I want. No, really.

Simple Confusion

I admit, when reading articles on Medium, I check the claps, I take the time to click the author bio, check their follow stats, and then click back and look at their claps again, finally scratching my head and letting out a very unconfident, “Huh?”

Less than 200 followers. Over 1k claps. Article posted in the last few days. My eyes glaze over in wonderment of the magic juju that must have existed to excite this amount of praise.


What were the ingredients to this viral potion?

  • The title?
  • The featured image?



Rusty Ellis

📚Husband. Father. Grandpa. Author of "Picture Perfect Murder" a Clean Detective Mystery Series - Crime Thriller. Available on Amazon - https://amzn.to/2S7HSEO