Abs After 40 | 5 Workout Tips to Get Ripped Abs

Rusty Moore
7 min readMay 6, 2019

No doubt it is tougher to get six packs abs at 40 and beyond compared to when you are younger.

I’m almost 50.

What I noticed as I got into my 40’s is that friends who were lean their entire lives began getting belly fat.

Not so much that they looked fat.

You could just tell when they sat, I would notice a good 10–15 pounds of extra flab covering their stomach.

I was going to write a post for women as well, but this isn’t as much of a problem area for women as it is for men.

It’s rare to men with abs after 40.

Heck, it is rare to see men with abs in general (at any age).

I’ve traveled to quite a few beaches this past decade and seeing anyone over 40 with any type of ab definition is extremely rare.

It seems that people give up at a certain point.

I wanted to give 5 tips men over 40 should consider if they are having a tough time getting 6 pack abs.



Rusty Moore

FT fitness writer for the past 10 years. Former personal trainer to fashion & runway models. https://visualimpactfitness.com/