Rusty Shackleford
Rusty Shackleford

I'm Rusty Shackleford and I'm a beginning freelance author.

I was laid off from my job in August of 2022. After this happened I had a choice to make. I could find another dead end job that I hated, or I could create my own job that emboldened my creativity.

I started writing on Medium in September of 2022 so I could build a portfolio to show clients that I am capable of writing. What I didn't know what that I would love the Medium platform and continue writing here. I plan on writing a fictional novel very soon. I look forward to sharing it with you.

I live in southwestern Michigan and I have three dogs that I love to death. When I'm not writing, I'm doing farm work or enjoying a classic video game. I also love reading articles written by my fellow Medium authors as well.

If you like my work or you have a project for me you can message me on twitter or email me at

Medium member since September 2022
Friend of Medium since March 2024
Connect with Rusty Shackleford
Rusty Shackleford

Rusty Shackleford

Friend of Medium

2x Top Writer | Day Dreamer | Devils Lettuce Advocate | Figuring out life one day at a time | Writer for the Publication Bouncin’ and Behavin’ Blogs |