4 tips to deal with uncertainty 👌

Ruta Stasiunaite
3 min readApr 3, 2020


Living in these crazy times might feel like walking through a battlefield. We start ruminating, feeling tense, trying to hold onto things… It’s scary, I get it. But do not worry, you can apply these 4 tips in your every day life to make the best out of the times of uncertainty.


Do you think worrying will change something? Let’s be honest, some things will go on no matter what you think or feel about it. ACCEPT THE FACTS. Whatever it is. It won’t go away just because you are freaking out. You can’t change it and you know it. So what’s the point of freaking out anyway?

I know it’s easier said than done, but once you start noticing that you are freaking out about something you cannot control, you will realize that what is truly happening is living in the future. You are not BEING PRESENT. You are projecting things about what might happen. LET IT GO and enjoy the NOW.


Do you feel hopeless, useless or simply have no clue what to do? Well, if you let go of the things you can’t control, why not to take control over the things you actually CAN control? In some situations there is at least something you can do to make it better, ease the pain, or maybe just create a feeling that you are contributing in a positive way.

We as human beings want to feel useful. A sense of belonging is important to us. So ask yourself this one question: what can I do today to make it a better day? It might be an actual contribution, an act of kindness, a slight change of trajectory, or even just a shift in your attitude.


So many people have a hard time going through changes in life. They feel like it’s disrupting whatever they’ve been working on for years, change of plans annoys them, they might even feel like they’re losing stability underneath their feet.

Life’s a rollercoaster with ups and downs. So take the chance to learn to be FLEXIBLE and RESOURCEFUL. Train your RESILIENCE.

Your routine is changing? You can no longer proceed with your project? Too many unknowns? ACCEPT IT. ADJUST your plans. And MOVE ON with a new approach. Make the best out of it. And enjoy it!


Stop worrying, complaining and blaming. Your negativity isn’t helping anyone, to say the least. This is a victim’s mindset. So don’t you want to be a winner instead?

Whatever it is that created the sense of uncertainty, take it as an OPPORTUNITY to focus on your inner self, on your GROWTH, and on CONTRIBUTING to the world in a positive way.

Doesn’t it feel better already? 😎

And if you need help finding your authenticity, pursuing your passions or getting unstuck — reach out, I will be happy to help!

Let’s connect! 😉



Ruta Stasiunaite

Life Coach, Personal Development Enthusiast & Forever Life Lover on a mission to help people get unstuck and start TRULY living by unleashing their authenticity