Why To Follow My Intuition Was The Best Decision That I’ve Ever Made

Ruta Rose
3 min readSep 12, 2023


Hello, beautiful souls, this is my introduction story as a new writer.

Since I was a little child I’ve always questioned everything what is happening around me and I’ve always felt like I don’t belong to the family that I was born in. It just felt like I already came with this “weird” information and mindset that nobody understood.

Seeing life thru a different lens than my surroundings was a beautiful gift, but also a great challenge. Sometimes life looked like a never ending storm and I couldn’t realize why there is so much pain in the world as I always had so much compassion for every living being. I wanted to save every bird, every cat, every dog and give money to every beggar. Since then I had this huge calling to help others and at some point I knew that this is going to be my life mission and purpose.

I’ve always felt like I am guided and protected by this invisible force and no matter in what kind of situations I had been put, I’ve always found my way thru.I am not going to lie, that sometimes my life felt like one big crazy ride that made me throw up many times. :D

Despite all of that, this strong gut feeling inside was pushing me to have a breakthrough after breakthrough. Was it scary? Oh yes it was and still is! Because to follow your intuition it means to surrender to the unknown, it means to let go of control, it means to trust something that you can’t see and haven’t experienced yet. But still I followed…without having any external support, being misunderstood, misjudged so many time, I kept on going.

So why, with all these challenging circumstance, to follow my intuition was the best decision that I have ever made?

Well…This decision led me to so many beautiful destinations, gave me so many beautiful opportunities. This decision set me free from generational karmic cycles, this decision gave me a chance to heal on such a deep level, to know myself, to love myself, gave me a chance to step into my uniqueness, into my power and finally start sharing my gifts with those, in need.

Why I am here for?

If you are feeling lost or experiencing some kind of a hardships in you reality right now, I am here for you. I am here to give my shoulder to cry and my hand to hold, to guide you thru these moments, that I already went thru myself. I know how it feels, how scary it can get, how exhausting it can be, but if I made it, you are going to make it too!

What can you expect in my articles?

Deep personal stories, honest perspectives, inspiring lessons , motivating experiences with a pinch of humor, because life doesn’t always have to be so serious.

Resonating with my energy so far and would like to meet me closer?

Here is the link of my social medias and services, if you ever feel like you need some guidance during your beautiful journey:

Also follow my writers account so you won’t miss all the crazy stories that I have to tell you: @rutarose

