The Ultimate Guide to Formatting and Publishing Your Book on KDP

Rutch Marikit
6 min readJan 10, 2023


Photo by RetroSupply on Unsplash

Let’s talk about Kindle Direct Publishing…

Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP) is a platform that allows authors to self-publish their manuscripts in Print-On-Demand and e-book format. The platform is easy to use and allows authors to upload and publish their books to Amazon and reach millions of readers worldwide. KDP offers a wide range of tools, formatting guidelines, and resources to help authors format, promote, and sell their books. Self-publishing authors opt to publish their books to KDP because it offers a great deal of royalty for authors.

The process of landing your book on Amazon is easy, you just have to follow these procedures:

1. Formatting your book: Prepare your book file to meet KDP’s requirements and create a professional-looking layout.
2. Designing your book cover: Create an eye-catching book cover to make your book stand out on KDP.
3. Setting up your KDP account: Create a KDP account to upload and publish your book.
4. Uploading your book: Submit your book file to KDP for review and approval.
5. Setting your book’s metadata: Provide information about your book, such as the title, author name, and description.
6. Choosing a pricing and distribution option: Decide how you want to price and distribute your book.
7. Publishing and making your book live: Make your book available for purchase or borrowing on Amazon.
8. Promotion and marketing: reaching out to your target audience and promoting your book to increase visibility and sales.

Tips for creating a professional-looking book layout

- Use a clean and readable font for the text, such as Times New Roman or Garamond
- Use consistent formatting throughout the book, such as consistent margins and line spacing
- Use headings and subheadings to break up the text and make it easy to read
- Use images and other visual elements to enhance the book’s layout and make it more engaging

Tools and software for formatting your book

Microsoft Word: One of the most widely used word processing software. It’s easy to use and offers many formatting options, the best choice for self-publishing authors
Adobe InDesign: A professional layout software used in the publishing industry. It offers more advanced formatting options than MS Word however can be more complex to learn.
Calibre: A free and open-source ebook management software for conversion, editing, and formatting ebooks

Common mistakes to avoid when formatting your book

Inconsistent formatting: This can make your book look unprofessional and can be distracting to readers
Using a small font size: This can make your book difficult to read, especially on small devices
Using low-resolution images: This can make your book appear blurry on some devices
Not testing your book on different devices: Make sure that your book looks and behaves correctly on as many devices as possible.

In designing your book cover
A professional-looking cover design is very important. Your book’s cover is the first thing the readers will see when they come across your book. A professional-looking cover will entice readers to click on your book and add it to their cart. A well-designed cover can help your book stand out in the crowded digital marketplace and increase the likelihood of being purchased or downloaded.

To make your book cover stand out, remember these few tips:

- Use high-quality images and graphics
- Use colors that are eye-catching and relevant to the book’s topic
- Use clear and legible fonts, that are easy to read
- Use a consistent design that is substantial with the book’s genre
- Consider using the cover design to communicate the theme of the book or its key messages
- Stand out from the competition, making the design unique

You can hire a professional book cover designer or use these tools and software

- Canva: An easy-to-use design tool that offers a wide range of templates and design elements to help you create a professional-looking cover
- Adobe Photoshop: A professional image editing software to create a high-quality cover, but it’s also quite complex to master
- GIMP: A free and open-source software that used for image editing

Your book is ready to publish, time to set up your KDP account

Before publishing your book on KDP, you need to set up an account. This process is straightforward and usually takes a few minutes. All you need to do is go to KDP website, click the “Sign in” button, enter your Amazon account information or create a new account.

Once you have set up your KDP account, begin uploading your book file.

For Print-on-Demand, upload the manuscript in PDF format. Make sure to check the KDP Previewer. KDP previewer will help you see if the book is formatted properly and conforms to the KDP formatting guidelines. For the ebook version, upload a .kpf file.

Setting your book’s metadata includes the book’s title, author name, publisher name, and description of the book’s contents. This information tells the readers what your book is about and helps them find the title on KDP.

Choosing a pricing and distribution option
Select pricing options, offer for free, or set a specific price. Moreover, you can select where you want to distribute, such as worldwide or in a particular country.

After setting your book’s metadata and choosing a pricing and distribution option, you can publish and make it available for purchase. KDP will review it, taking 72 hours or less before the book is available on Amazon.

Monitoring the performance after publishing your book is important. You can check the sales and download numbers, reviews, and also the ranking of your book on KDP. This will give you an idea of how your book is performing and how it compares to other books in the same category. Additionally, you can check how your book is doing on other platforms, such as Goodreads or other e-commerce platforms. It also helps you make data-driven decisions on how to improve your book’s performance and sales.

Promotion and Marketing
- Utilize Amazon’s advertising platform, such as sponsored product ads or sponsored brand ads
- Encourage readers to leave reviews on your book’s Amazon page
- Use social media and other online platforms to promote your book and drive traffic to its Amazon page
- Utilize Amazon’s KDP Select program which offers promotional options like free days and countdown deals
- Build an email list and reach out to your subscribers when you launch a new book or when you want to promote a sale

Tips for building an audience for your book before it’s published

- Start building an email list of potential readers who are interested in the genre of your book
- Utilize social media platforms like Twitter and Facebook to connect with readers who are interested in your genre
- Create a website or blog to share information about your book and offer exclusive content to your readers
- Participate in online communities related to your book’s genre to build relationships with potential readers
— Reach out to book bloggers and influencers who review books in your genre and ask them to review your book when it’s published

Best practices for marketing your book online

  • Utilize the power of search engine optimization (SEO) to help potential readers find your book online
    - Utilize social media platforms to promote your book and connect with potential readers
    - Use online ads to reach potential readers who may not be familiar with your book
    - Create a website or blog that provides information about your book and offers exclusive content to readers
  • - Utilize online tools such as Bookbub and Goodreads to promote your book and connect with potential readers

Encourage readers to leave feedback and reviews to help self-publish authors improve their writing as well as know if there are typos and grammar errors.



Rutch Marikit

I format books, cover design, and convert ebooks. Writing is a work in progress. Upskill: Taking a crash course in UX design and Python coding