The New Human: Exploring the Evolution of Humanity

Ruth Elisabeth Hancock
2 min readJun 26, 2024


Welcome to this week’s blog post! Today, we delve into an enlightening discussion from Ruth Elisabeth Hancock’s latest podcast episode featuring Mary Rodwell. The episode centers around the concept of the “New Human” — a fascinating topic explored in Mary Rodwell’s book, The New Human. This blog post will cover the key points discussed in the podcast, including genetic changes, new abilities, and the potential for a multidimensional reality.

The New Human

Who are the “New Humans”?

  • Incarnating Since 2000: The “New Humans” are children born since the year 2000, exhibiting unique characteristics and abilities.
  • Dr. Lara Ohlson’s “Letter People”: These children include those with ADD, ADHD, Asperger’s, Autism, and more, who have distinct neurological wiring.

Genetic Changes and Mysteries

  • DNA Differences: Evidence suggests that the DNA of these children may be different, with all human DNA undergoing changes that baffle scientists.
  • Sideways Gene Insertion: Researchers have identified 223 genes inserted into human DNA sideways, with no clear origin.
  • Third Strand of DNA: In 2016, a baby in the UK was found to have a third strand of DNA.
  • HIV-Resistant Codons: Approximately 3% of the population now carries new codons that provide resistance to HIV.

Questioning Traditional Evolution

  • Beyond Darwin: The rapid genetic changes observed challenge traditional Darwinian evolution theories.
  • Quantum Mutations: While quantum mutations are a known phenomenon, the sheer number and speed of these changes raise significant questions.

Case Studies of Extraordinary Children

  • Past Lives and Other Planets: Mary Rodwell’s book includes case studies of young children who recall past lives on other planets and understand their purpose on Earth.
  • Purposeful Incarnations: These children often speak of their mission and reasons for coming to Earth.

A Positive Outlook on the Future

  • Rising Energies: Despite current global challenges, Ruth and Mary discuss feeling optimistic about the future due to the rising energies of the planet.
  • New Earth and Multidimensional Reality: Humanity is moving towards a new earth with enhanced abilities and a multidimensional existence.

Reaching Your Full Potential

  • Beyond 3D Reality: If you are struggling to reach your full potential, remember that it may now exist outside of this 3D reality.
  • Multidimensional Existence: We are all transitioning into a multidimensional existence, offering new opportunities for growth and development.

Connect with Ruth Elisabeth Hancock

Understanding the concept of the “New Human” and the rapid genetic changes occurring today can inspire hope and excitement for the future. Stay curious and open to the possibilities of a multidimensional existence!



Ruth Elisabeth Hancock

Elisabeth is a researcher and author of books about spirituality, consciousness, lost wisdom and our multidimensional world. We need to remember who we are.