Internet Footprints… How It Affects You!

5 min readOct 27, 2022


The path keeps increasing.

Times have changed, and the dependence on Technology has increased over the past few years.

According to Cyber Security Data analysis in 2020, the use of the Internet came out with these figures, there are 25,000 GIFs sent on Facebook, 4.2 Million videos viewed on Snapchat, 473,000 Tweets, 49,380 videos uploaded on Instagram, about 120 new links signed up and about 2,083,333 snaps are sent on Snapchat every minute.

This simply means that your moves and activities on the internet are always recorded and accounted for. This also means that information available on the internet originated from a source and can be visible to all irrespective of their location. These are called “Internet Footprints”; they are trails of data and Information left behind after someone has used the internet. Think of it as an “Online Reputation”. While this is said to be a normal occurrence, it has its pros and Cons if abused.

Every website you visit, every link you click, review you submit, online shopping you make and every post you make on social media contributes to your Footprint!

Internet Footprint popularly known as Digital Footprint is the Trail of data and Information left behind whenever someone uses a Digital Service or posts information on a Digital Forum e.g Social Media.

From these statistics, it is no doubt that the internet is indeed flooded with a lot of data and information. While you might be in a hurry to attribute it to just the information you see online; remember that in more ways than you know; you too have contributed to this figure.

Internet Footprints are PERMANENT, once it is created, they cannot be undone.

How Your Internet Footprint Can Affect You?

  1. Personality Defect: when an old post is called upon by blackmailers.

Imagine you get a major breakthrough in your career or aspiration, waiting patiently for an award, recognition, promotion or official appointment and from the blues,

(like you would say) an old video clip from a college party or a picture from an anti-social involvement is revealed; immediately raising scandals and possibly depriving you of such an opportunity.

This data is mostly gotten from a post or activity on public/social platforms. Sometimes although you as the source possibly took it down in the past; chances are that some person (s) saved a copy which can be assessed easily as used to blackmail or tarnish your personality.

2. Privacy Breach: release of private information, social engineering.

Little things such as giving out your email address and responding to some personal questions can increase your chance of being attacked or like most will call it “Hacked”.


Phishing and Social engineering are common forms of attack you expose yourself to. Such details though they seem little can say a lot about your personality which can be used against you.

3. Loose Opportunities: Employers or prospective employers.

You can be a good fit for the role and have a perfect mind for the task ahead but during a screening process; the contents on your social media can immediately discredit you before your potential employer.

Most people while active at work can be abruptly dismissed because of the information they revealed on the internet ( violating GDPR or NDA) or a lifestyle that the company feels will incur a blowback.

How to Protect Yourself and reduce your FootPrint?

While you battle with links, websites and information sent out to the internet; do not ignore your contribution to the space too. Here are a few ways to regulate this:

  1. Preserve your Image at all times: be conscious of what you post!

Choose contents to post, and select conversations to patronise. While you have fun online or jump on the wheels of trends, remember a lot can be derived from your activities on social media and be used to build your Image even in your absence.

Before you click the “Post” button on Instagram, ask yourself a question; “Do I wish to be seen or addressed in this way in the next 5 years ?” and when you have your answer, act accordingly.

As a checker, live with this catchphrase “The Internet Never Forgets “

2. Delete what you do not need.

Learn the act of clearing unnecessary or old data on your social and public networks. This gives hackers and blackmailers little or even nothing to use against you.

3. Be Discreet.

Be slow to register your details or complete forms requiring sensitive information online. Do your research and check the links to such platforms carefully before you submit your information. As a reminder, there are some information that trusted agencies will not demand from you over the internet ( Credit card details, Passcodes to personal accounts, fingerprint etc); any slight display of such demands should be considered a SCAM until proven otherwise.

It is best advised that you take necessary precautions while you use the internet, remember, you leave footprints everywhere you go, so make sure you leave them in the right places.

If you would like to know how to discover your Footprints and hide subsequent footprints… Connect, Subscribe so you can get notified of the next post.




Technical writer and Blogger, fascinated about words, ever willing to convey messages clearly on any related topic.