Hypothetical I

Based Goddess
2 min readJul 26, 2019


What if I did not overthink everything? From if what I ate just now will go down my tract and come out peacefully or will this be the meal that kills me.

What if I have these visions/dreams of people around me dying? Then the next day someone call me to say they lost a close relative and I can not say that I saw that coming.

What if one of my recurring visions doesn’t come true so I am stuck in a loop wondering when the shoe will drop.

What if I never checked my email that day and never saw that opportunity which I jumped in head first but ended up being the worst choice I ever made.

What if the pimples on my feet turn out to be some sort of slow killing cancer that will strike me like lightening when I least expect.

What if I lose all hope and fall down a spiral of emotions that I can’t control even after all that money spent on therapy.

What if I meet the one person who will change my whole existence just by the words they speak? You know what I mean… People always say they heard a phrase or a story and their whole life changed. Will I ever have my moment, and please don’t tell me to create it myself.

What if I became a psychopath and people try to find out what makes me tick and what exactly triggered these deep seated issues that I don’t want to fix because I like my psychopathic mind.

What if I never tick anything of my to do list and always regret the time wasted doing other things instead of pursuing the list. What if i never get to practice my fetishes and only live vicariously through friends and strangers on the internet.

What if the simulation ends and we failed to level up because of the cards we were dealt at birth.

What if…?



Based Goddess

There are a lot of unanswered questions, that will probaly never get answered.