North Korea’s Growing AI Cyber Threat?

Rutuja Desai
4 min readNov 2, 2023


In This Blog:

1. North Korea uses AI to bolster cyberattacks, as disclosed by Anne Neuberger.

2. They employ AI for malware creation and target identification.

3. Past attacks, like Sony and WannaCry, led to massive global damages.

4. Cybercrime revenues might fund North Korea’s missile ambitions.

5. AI’s rise in cyber warfare necessitates advanced global defenses.

In the modern digital age, cyber warfare is no longer the stuff of spy novels and Hollywood blockbusters. It’s real, and it’s happening right under our noses. One of the latest revelations in the cyber realm is the unexpected rise of North Korea as a potent cyber power. And what’s concerning? They are now harnessing the power of Artificial Intelligence (AI) to escalate their cyber attacks.

But before we dive deep, let’s unravel this, piece by piece.

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1. The New Disclosure: What Was Said?
Anne Neuberger, the Deputy National Security Advisor, recently revealed that North Korea isn’t just dabbling in ordinary hacking anymore. They are now employing AI, the same technology that powers your smartphone’s voice assistant and suggests movies for you on Netflix, to write malicious software (malware) and to identify which targets are most vulnerable.

2. What Have They Done Before?
If you’re thinking, “Well, it’s North Korea. How advanced could they be?”, you might want to rethink that stance. North Korea, in the past, has been linked to some of the most notorious cyberattacks in history.

Remember when Sony Pictures was hacked, and confidential emails were leaked? Or when computers worldwide got stuck with the WannaCry ransomware, demanding payments? Both these cyberattacks, which resulted in billions of dollars in damages globally, have been attributed to North Korea.

3. Why Are They Doing This?
The motivation behind these attacks isn’t just about creating chaos. There’s a financial incentive too. It’s believed that the revenue generated from these cybercrimes could be funneled into North Korea’s missile program. Essentially, cyber attacks might be a way for the country to fund its other ambitions.

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4. The AI Menace: Why Is It A Big Deal?
AI is all around us. It helps us navigate through traffic, recommends us songs, and even diagnoses diseases. But, like any tool, in the wrong hands, it can be dangerous.

Imagine a burglar. Now, imagine this burglar has a master key that can unlock any door and has a crystal ball to see when you’re not home. That’s the advantage AI provides to hackers. By using AI, hackers can:

  • Write Malware Faster: Traditional malware writing is time-consuming. But with AI, malware can be generated more quickly, and it can even evolve to bypass defenses.
  • Identify Vulnerable Targets: Instead of a scattergun approach, AI can pinpoint specific targets that are most vulnerable, ensuring a higher success rate.
  • Adapt in Real-Time: One of AI’s strengths is its ability to learn and adapt. This means, during an attack, the malicious software can change its tactics if it finds resistance.

5. The Global Implication
The integration of AI into cyberattacks isn’t just a problem for one country or one company. It’s a global concern. As North Korea (or any other potential adversary) enhances its capabilities, everyone becomes a potential target. And remember, the damages aren’t just financial. Critical infrastructure, like power grids or hospitals, could be at risk, affecting the lives of millions.

6. Staying Ahead of the Game
The silver lining here is that the same technology that’s enabling these advanced threats can also be our shield. AI can bolster our defenses, anticipate attacks, and neutralize threats even before they occur. However, it’s crucial for nations, organizations, and individuals to invest in robust AI-driven defense mechanisms. We’re in an era of an AI arms race, and staying a step ahead is not just an advantage — it’s a necessity.

The news of North Korea’s AI-driven cyber ambitions is a stark reminder of the double-edged nature of technology. While AI holds immense promise in improving our lives and solving complex problems, it also presents new challenges, especially when weaponized for nefarious purposes.

We’re standing at a pivotal moment in history. The decisions we make now, the investments in defense we prioritize, and the global collaborations we forge will determine the safety and security of our digital future. It’s a collective responsibility, and the time to act is now.

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Key Takeaways:

1. AI can amplify cyberattack potential when misused.

2. North Korea’s cyber history highlights the threat of their AI prowess.

3. Cybercrimes have strategic financial benefits, like missile funding.

4. An AI arms race is underway, needing AI-driven defenses.

5. Global collaboration is essential to counter AI-powered cyber threats.



Rutuja Desai

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