Discovering the Wonder of A Wonderswan

Rully Stevan
3 min readMar 28, 2024


In the crossroads of nostalgia and technology, there lies a handheld device that encapsulates the essence of my gaming pilgrimage: the Bandai Wonderswan. This piece is a deep dive into my personal journey with this elusive console, from its discovery to the transformative experience of modernizing it for the digital age.

The Unlikely Discovery

My introduction to the Wonderswan was akin to finding a hidden gem. Buried within the pages of a gaming magazine, the device beckoned with its sleek design and the allure of exclusive titles. In Indonesia, it was virtually unattainable, locked behind the high walls of import fees and scarcity.

The narrative took a serendipitous turn with a trip to Japan, accompanied by my girlfriend. This wasn’t just a vacation; it was a pilgrimage with a mission — to bring home a Wonderswan Color. Our quest led us through the electric streets of Akihabara, where amidst the cacophony of gaming stores, I found not one, but two treasures: a Wonderswan Color and a Wonderswan Crystal. The former, a device that I had longed for, was immediately embraced and explored; the latter, a symbol of the journey and the dreams it represented, remains unboxed to this day, a piece of history I chose to preserve untouched for the future.

Embracing the Wonderswan Experience

Powering on the Wonderswan for the first time was a moment etched in memory. The console’s display, though primitive by today’s standards, exuded a charm and warmth absent in modern gaming devices.

Among the titles I cherished, “Digimon” and “Gunpey” stood out for their unique gameplay and nostalgic value. Contrary to typical adventure games, “Digimon” for the Wonderswan was a virtual pet experience, akin to the Digivice devices I also owned. The comparison was striking — the depth and engagement of raising and battling digital monsters on the Wonderswan added a layer of complexity and enjoyment far beyond the simpler Digivice.

However, “Gunpey” remains my most memorable game. Its unique puzzle mechanics captivated me, offering endless hours of engagement. The challenge of aligning lines across a grid was both simple and infinitely complex, a testament to the genius of Gunpei Yokoi, the console’s creator.

However, the experience was not devoid of challenges. The console’s limited battery life, the daunting task of finding new games, and the language barrier — most titles remained ensconced in Japanese, untranslatable and exotic — added layers of complexity to the gaming experience. These hurdles, however, did not detract from the joy of discovery; rather, they amplified it, each game a puzzle to be solved, each mechanic a language to be learned.

The Modern Touch: IPS Screen Mod

The journey with the Wonderswan took a contemporary turn upon discovering a YouTube tutorial on modding the console with a new IPS screen display. The prospect of revitalizing my cherished device with modern technology was irresistible. Importing the components and embarking on the modding project, I was met with a revelation — the new backlight IPS screen display transformed the gaming experience, breathing new life into the Wonderswan’s classic games. The enhanced clarity and vibrancy of the display elevated the gameplay experience, merging the nostalgia of the past with the technological advances of the present. The modding process, surprisingly straightforward, was not only a technical achievement but a deeply personal one, reaffirming my connection to the console and its legacy.

The Lasting Legacy of the Wonderswan

Reflecting on this journey, the Wonderswan stands as more than a gaming console; it is a symbol of the enduring appeal of physical media, the challenges and triumphs of gaming innovation, and the personal narratives that intertwine with our gaming experiences. In a digital age where convenience often overshadows connection, the Wonderswan reminds us of the value of tactile interactions, the thrill of discovery, and the intimate bond formed between player and console.

As we navigate the future of gaming, let us not forget the lessons of the Wonderswan.

