How to Make Your Day Efficient (using basic time management skills)

Ruvan M. Saanrok
3 min readAug 25, 2024


Have you ever felt overwhelmed by the amount of things you have to get done in a day?

Have you ever felt like your list of responsibilities is weighing down on you and you struggle to find a way to get them all done?

Have you ever felt like your teachers overestimated the amount of time you have at home to dedicate to homework?

If so I will help you find a way to fit your work into your schedule.

Prioritize Tasks:

The first thing about starting to take control of your day is learning how to prioritize. It’s easy to get caught up in trying to do everything at once, but not all tasks are as urgent as others. Start by identifying what’s most important — this could be the task with the closest deadline, the most pressing, the one that is worrying you the most, or the one that will take the most time. By focusing on what truly matters, you can ensure that the most important tasks get done on time. This helps with reducing the stress of those last-minute cramming or that overwhelming feeling of a wasted day. Don't forget that it’s okay to let some less important or less pressing tasks be at the back of your list. You can always come back to them later when you have more time or when you are done with the more important tasks.

Set Specific Goals:

Vague goals like “study for a test” or “work on a project” can make tasks feel overwhelming. Instead, break down these large goals into smaller, more specific tasks. An example is, instead of just saying you’ll study say “I want to study Chapter One of my English textbook for my chapter 1 test” When you make your goals specific, they become more actionable and less overwhelming. Plus, checking off these smaller tasks gives you a sense of accomplishment that keeps you motivated throughout the day.

Create a Schedule:

Planning is essential when it comes to managing your time efficiently. Take a few minutes each day or week to map out what needs to be done. This could be as simple as writing a to-do list or as detailed as creating a time-blocked schedule where each hour is dedicated to a specific task. Remember to add details by saying specifically what you're going to do and how you're going to do it. By setting aside time for each activity, and adding specifics, you ensure that everything gets enough time. Plus, having a clear plan reduces the mental load of constantly deciding what to do next — you just follow your schedule.

Avoid Multitasking:

While it might seem like multitasking is a great way to get more done, it often backfires. When you try to do too many things at once, it’s common to lose focus or not provide enough attention to a specific task and make mistakes. Instead of spreading your attention across multiple tasks, devote your full focus to one thing at a time. You’ll find that you will complete tasks faster and with better quality.

Use Breaks Wisely:

Your brain isn’t designed to focus for long stretches without a break. That’s why it’s important to use short, regular breaks in your schedule. These breaks can be as simple as a five-minute walk, a quick snack, or some deep breathing exercises I would go against going on your phone or watching a video on YouTube or using TikTok. I say this because it can take up to 20 minutes for your brain to get back into that work rhythm after being distracted! The key is to step away from your work and give your mind a chance to rest.

I hope that after reading my article it helped you improve your time management and who knows maybe you could even end up creating a little free time to scroll on TikTok or watch a YouTube video.

