Who is AMLO (Andrés Manuel López Obrador) and how is he making an impact in Mexico?

4 min readMay 9, 2018


Nowadays, Mexican people find themselves in the middle of a political candidate race to the presidency of the country, in which we can take into account that AMLO is the strongest competitor amongst all of them. But, what makes him have a 46.2% of lead in this important road to the presidency? Well, we need to know, that this is his third attempt to be the president of the Mexican republic since the past two election years he has lost against the two major political parties of Mexico (PRI-PAN).

So everybody can start to wonder, why he has not taken out the white flag on being president if he has lost 2 straight times already? Well, this is a pretty good strategy that not all of the people are aware of. The past 12 years in Mexico have not been their best years, not their worst also, but definitely not their best. AMLO has taken a big advantage mostly on the notable increment in corruption, crime & violence, and most importantly for Mexican people, the lack of fulfillment on the promises presidential candidates make every 6 years for their country.

People may not see what´s behind the presidential candidate, but for the past 12 years, taking in advantage all the bad things that happened in Mexico, as said before, since he has been traveling all around the country speaking to people and winning their hearts making them promises, acting as ´part´of them, and then winning over credibility on his words due to all the bad things that happened along the road in this years in Mexico. He calls himself a ¨the voice¨ Of all the victims that have suffered in some way over the past period of time in the country. The big problem is that his major audience in the country is made up of mostly people in poverty conditions, we are talking of an approximate number of 54 million people that live in poverty plus another 9 million that are in extreme poverty conditions. All over Mexico he goes telling this people primarily that he is a true lover of the country, and that he is ending up with all crime and violence caused by the other political parties. AMLO is taking an advantage on this amount of people, and he may not be the best candidate but these people know that, despite his mistakes in the past, his words are ¨full¨ of truth. (who knows…).

So, is AMLO a good option for Mexico? In my humble opinion, I can just let my fellow Mexican citizens and the whole world one thing, we live in a world that is fully loaded (although not seen much) of Communist parties and people who support this type of groups. All that I know, is what we all know. How has been the crucial and awful situations that our brothers and sisters from Cuba and Venezuela have suffered throughout the years; And this is not something the world should be proud/happy of. Political candidates like AMLO promote communism, they act as part of the people and swear to be their voice and do as the majority says, but it is important to know that communism (as seen in recent history) normally ends up being a complete dictatorship/disaster. MORENA, (AMLO´s political party), is an active member of the Sao Paolo forum, which is an organization that gathers all Latin-America´s political parties who support communism and fight against capitalism and socialism. This group was created mainly by Fidel Castro Ruiz, the man who was in charge of creating a dictatorship in Cuba and leading them towards their worst years of life in history. Nicolás Maduro, dictator of Venezuela is also on the list. I think we don´t need more information or references rather than this ones to prove that most people/parties that are part of this organization don´t tend to be the best for any country, so Mexican people, think about it and take it into account…

In Mexico, the same as many countries in the world, people are scared to vote because they are tired of having the same problems repeatedly, and most importantly those problems incrementing gradually. But, if you (as a person who want’s to vote but has not a clear vote) want to make your life easier think about it in this simple way: Imagine you are the owner of a very big business, and you are searching for a very good candidate for a very important position (let´s say for the sake of the example, CEO). You have chosen your options down to 5 people, and this is pretty simple, you need to choose the person who is going to make a better contribution to the job you need, that is why you do not want to hire someone who has no working experience at all, or the one who has lack of studies/knowledge in the major area of their position. You want and need to hire that person who is more prepared (study wise), who has a complete experience working on a job related to this position, but most importantly you need that knowledge about this person to be the one you perceive, and be fully convinced that it is the most prepared and capacitated person to handle such important job, just as if he/she was the president.

¨I’ve seen firsthand that being president doesn’t change who you are. It reveals who you are.¨

- Michelle Obama.




Business, Entrepreneurship & Personal Growth. Follower of human rights, nature, and God. Sharing valuable ideas, information, and opinions with everyone.