The 10 best and worst Venn diagrams explaining product management

“What do I do all day? Let me draw you some circles”, said every product manager ever.

Raoul Boström
3 min readMar 14, 2018


Product management has come a long way in the last decade. There used to be one Venn diagram trying to explain what we PMs actually do. Now, for better of for worse, there’s at least 10.

1. The classic PM venn diagram

Martin Eriksson

This is the one that started it all. It’s the Patient 0 of PM venn diagrams. It begets all that came after it.

And, yeah, it’s pretty great. It’s clean, easy to read, and it’s a starting point for explaining what a PM does. But it’s clearly not enough on its own. Or we wouldn’t have hundreds of articles about what product managers actually do (let alone all the Quora questions). And we also wouldn’t get the next 9 venn diagrams. So let’s be happy for its shortcomings.

2. The one in which the PM does 50% of everyone else’s job (as well as her own)

From Catherine Shyu

I hope no-one shows this to my boss.

3. The one where the PM and UX Designer can’t decide who does what

From Pendo

All the confusion over who should do what — captured in a single GIF!

4. The one where the product owner gets a way smaller circle than the product manager

From 280 Group

Sure, “owner” sounds more important than “manager”, but fortunately we have this diagram to prove otherwise.

5. The one without product management in it

From helloerik

Technology, business, design? Come on UX, we see what you did there. And we’re not buying it.

6. The one where product management has the same size circle as … the future

From Clevergirl

I’m glad that someone truly appreciates the role of product management.

7. The one with the watercolours


It’s beautiful!

8. The one that’s just a list of things masquerading as a venn diagram

From Quora

There seems to be an unwritten rule on Quora that every question about product management gets a Venn diagram in return.

9. This one …

From EBG Consulting

No, me neither.

10. The one that tells the truth

From the Department of Product

Ah, well, someone finally nailed it.

