Revi Valentine
7 min readAug 17, 2021

Lemuria Continent Has Been Found!?

More than 90 scientists from the Pan-Asian SNP consortium under the Human Genome Organization (HUGO) conducted a study of 73 Southeast Asian and East Asian populations to study migration patterns in human history and the relationship between genetics and disease.

The results of the latest deoxyribonucleic acid or DNA research on the origins of Asian humans show that Southeast Asia is the main geographic source of the population in Asia which then spread to the north.

"The ancestors of Asian peoples who came out of Africa about 100,000 years ago along the southern coast to the east and were first centered in Southeast Asia about 60,000 years ago, and then spread to various regions in the north in Asia," said the Director Eijkman Institute for Molecular Biology Prof Dr Sangkot Marzuki to the press in Jakarta, Friday (11/12/2009).

This latest conclusion refutes the previous theory which states that there are multiple routes of migration of Asian ancestors, namely through the north and south routes, and refutes that the Southeast Asian peoples (who speak Austronesian languages) came from Taiwan.

This can also be seen from the genetic heterogeneity which is getting higher to the south, while the ethnic groups in the northern Asia region are more homogeneous. This was said by Sangkot, who was one of the initiators of the research.

This research was carried out by more than 90 scientists from the Pan-Asian SNP (Single-Nucleotide Polymorphisms) consortium under the Human Genome Organization (Hugo) who studied 73 ethnic Asian populations in 10 countries (Indonesia, Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand, Philippines, India, China). , Korea, Japan, and Taiwan) with a total of about 2,000 samples. Ernst Haeckel, (16 February, 1834 – 9 August, 1919).

A German taxonomist who adheres to Darwin's theory, once proposed Lemuria as the "key" of the missing link in several fossil finds.

According to some sources; Haeckel once stated that tracing the origin of humans was very difficult, and he also claimed that many trace fossils could not be found because they had sunk to the bottom of the sea.

When Charles Darwin published his book "On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection" in 1859, which stated that human ancestors could not be found because of a missing link.

Haeckel suspects that human ancestors are thought to have come from the Dutch East Indies (now Indonesia), and explains his theory in great detail.

On an expedition carried out at his command, one of his students; Eugene Dubois managed to find what became known as Java Man, namely an ancient human fossil that was found, which was later known as Homo erectus.

Researchers place the era of the Lemuria civilization around the period 75000 BC – 11000 BC. If we look at that period, the Atlanteans and Lemuria should have lived together for thousands of years.

The idea that the continent of Lemuria existed before the civilizations of Atlantis and Ancient Egypt can be explained from the work of Augustus Le Plongeon (1826-1908), a researcher and writer in the 19th century who conducted research on archaeological sites of the Mayan heritage in Yucatan.

The information was obtained after his success in translating several sheets of ancient Mayan records.
From the results of the translation, obtained some information that shows the results that the Lemuria Nation is indeed older than the civilization of their ancestors (Atlantis).

The Mayans are believed to be the successors of the Atlantean culture which eventually disappeared and left nothing. In some records found in Maya relics, there is a fact that Lemuria is located in the far east. This nation has been thousands of years old and founded civilization earlier than Atlantis.

However, it is also said that they lived in the same time period, before a catastrophic earthquake and flood devastated and drowned the two advanced civilizations of the past.

Until now, the location of the Lemuria continent in the past is still a controversy because of its age, but based on archaeological evidence and several theories put forward by researchers, it is most likely that the civilization was located in the Pacific Ocean.

Many archaeologists believe that the mysterious Easter Island is part of the continent of Lemuria. This can be seen from the hundreds of colossal stone statues that surround the island and some ancient records engraved on several artifacts that refer to the remains of advanced civilizations in the past.

The hereditary mythology of the Maori and Samoan tribes who settled on the islands around the Pacific Ocean also mentions that long ago there was a large landmass in the Pacific that was destroyed by a powerful tidal wave, but before that their nation had been destroyed due to war.

The state of Lemuria itself is described as very similar to the Atlantean civilization, having fertile land, prosperous society and mastery of several branches of deep science.

These factors are certainly a basic foundation for the Lemuria nation to develop rapidly into an advanced civilization and have many experts/scientists who can create a new breakthrough in their science and technology.

As many spiritual and archeological experts have pointed out, the Lemurians and Atlanteans used crystals intensively in their lives. Edgar Cayce, an American spiritualist through his channeling has repeatedly said the same thing.

The temples of Lemuria and Atlantis placed a giant crystal generator surrounded by other crystals, both as a source of energy and for various healings.

A lot of information about atlantis and lemurian is obtained by channeling the crystal2 -old soul- that was used in both eras. Some of the mysterious Stone Monuments that have been found under the waters of Yonaguni, Japan, may be the remains of the Lemuria civilization.

However, unlike the Atlanteans who relied more on physical, technological and warlike, the Lemuria were actually believed to be humans with a high level of evolution and spirituality, very peaceful and moral.

The Lemurians have their own letters and numbers known as the Lemurian script. Lemurian letters were the first letters used and became the forerunner of the letters we use today, starting from Latin, Arabic, and so on.

Lemurian letters are not ordinary letters. This letter is in line with the ups and downs of thought waves and the human gene code. Lemurian letters are a description of brain waves, telepathic language, the movement of water, and the emission of power, waves, frequency and all that is natural.

In writing Lemurian letters, there are no uppercase or lowercase letters. All the ways of writing are the same. The letters are written from right to left. Reading it starts from right to left as well. It follows the movement of the universe moving from right to left.

Lemurian numbers start from 0 to 5. Just like Lemurian letters, how to write and read them starts from right to left. The number ZERO (0) has existed since the time of the Lemuria.

Unlike the Roman numerals that do not recognize the number ZERO (0). This is because ZERO (0) as the state is empty and empty must be symbolized.

Actually the number starts from ZERO (0) not from ONE (1), because before 1 the condition was still empty and this is denoted by ZERO (0).

The Lemuria numeral system is also related to the pentatonic natural sound. “Penta” means Five (5), but obviously the da min tila da tone is not like today's pentatonic notes.

According to Edgar Cayce, the emergence of Atlantis as a superpower civilization at that time (if it is now similar to the United States) made them very eager to conquer the nations of the world, including Ancient Greece and Lemuria which was seen by the Atlanteans as a strong civilization.

Armed with sophisticated war equipment and a good war strategy, the Atlantean invasion of Lemuria went as expected.

The nature of the Lemurians who uphold the concept of peace, they are not equipped with war technology as sophisticated as the Atlanteans, so in an instant, Lemuria fell into the hands of Atlantis.

The Lemurians who are in a state of urgency, eventually leave the earth to look for a new place to live on other planets that have characteristics similar to Earth, maybe their whereabouts are currently unknown to us (some say they currently live on Planet Erra/Terra in the Pleiades star cluster). .

It may sound unreasonable, but we need to know that their technology at that time was very advanced, their mastery of space exploration technology might have been realized long ago.

Of course, the mastery of the same technology in this era of our civilization cannot be juxtaposed with the technological advances they have created.

Finally, at the Taifurkhafi palace in Istanbul, Turkey, there is a very unique ancient map. This ancient map made of gazelle skin, discovered at the beginning of the 18th century, at first glance may be just a replica of a map of the land in the past.

In the map, only the Mediterranean region is depicted precisely, while other regions, such as the Americas and the African continent, are depicted very differently.

Then, when scientists investigated it further, the results obtained were very surprising, because it turned out that this ancient map was actually a very detailed and detailed aerial view of the sky. When juxtaposed with images taken from the Apollo 8 plane, this ancient map of Turkey is like a photocopy.

The outline changes in the American and African continents on the ancient map, according to the image taken via the Apollo 8 spacecraft. And what's even more amazing is that the ancient map depicts the complex shape of the Earth's surface, the south pole, which is covered by a thick layer of ice.

There is not the slightest difference with the results of mapping images using a fatometer carried out by the South Pole exploration team in 1952 who conducted an investigation of the state of the earth under the ice sheet.

Then who in ancient times had mastered the high technology of shooting through outer space? From the discovery of this ancient map, it becomes evidence of the advancement of knowledge in astronomy of past civilizations which until this moment have not been able to be mastered by today's humans who in fact may have more sophisticated equipment than them.

Further studies say they may have been able to create an extraordinary technological breakthrough at that time, such as having carried out space exploration and landing on other planets. Moreover, this is supported by several discoveries of ancient artifacts that illustrate some of the imaginations of astronauts in the past.