How to PROGRESS and REGRESS Your Deadlift

Rafal Matuszewski
12 min readApr 17, 2018


I love lifting heavy shit off the ground. The deadlift is one of those lifts that allow you to build strength, sculpt a sweet backside, and ultimately turn you into the most significant badass in the world. The sad part is that I see so many people butcher the deadlift all over the internet as well as at the gym.

I wanted to put together the ultimate guide to deadlifting because I think for most people and even trainers out there, they get stuck. Meaning, they are well into their journey of fitness, get to this cool looking thing called a deadlift and assumed that they are good to go to start lifting. The deadlift is a complicated lift similar to the complexity of putting an outfit together with a closet full of clothes, and you end up thinking “I have nothing to wear.”

I like to use the world prerequisites when it comes to describing the deadlift. There are specific characteristics that one should obtain before trying the rugged and raw straight bar deadlift. Now, don’t get me wrong, I truly believe every single person in this entire world should be deadlifting, but, just like everything else, your approach to deadlifting to be INDIVIDUALISTIC and not what you’ve seen in a fitness magazine, Youtube, or Facebook.

Here’s a simple test I like to use to determine whether or not you’re ready to deadlift off the floor. Ready?

Toe your toes without bending your knees.


Couldn’t do it huh? This mini assessment tells me a lot about how your body moves and what will happen when we try to put you in the deadlift position. Not being able to touch your toes indicates that when we reach down to the bar the shit on your backside (hamstrings, QL, glutes, adductors, maybe even external obliques) that are “stuck” meaning won’t give you the necessary range of motion you need, something else will compensate and will fuck up your shit.

What does this mean? You’ll most likely injure yourself down the road with your compensated form and will end up in a constant battle of pulling something, your back “buckling” or merely hitting a plateau in your deadlift numbers and leave with a sore back.

What should you do instead to prevent this horrible limbo deadlift space?

Proper PROGRESSION and know when to REGRESS aka troubleshoot when something pops up in training.

Now, remember when I spoke about prerequisites earlier? These can also mean showing proficiency in other exercises that can lead up to the beloved straight bar deadlift.

Let’s go through a couple that I like to start with every client of mine.

1. Dowel Hip Hinge

The dowel hip hinge is where I like to start to teach the foundational movement to deadlift. If someone doesn’t understand the difference between a squat or deadlift, that someone will end up having a difficult time lifting the bar within the path a typical deadlift goes. By giving cues such as “push your ass back” or “reach your butt out like there is a chair far away from you” people immediately understand the concept of hinging, and not squatting.

Another way I bulletproof this exercise is using external feedback with some objects. In the video, I use a dowel and bench. The dowel is placed on the booty with the arms in a supine position to promote better postural alignment as well as lat engagement. I tell my clients to think of pushing the dowel into their booty and to think of squeezing their “lats” as they are crucial to the success of a show-stopping deadlift. Adding the bench behind the client also reinforces the hinge pattern. I tell my clients to keep their calves on the bench throughout the entire movement to maintain a hinge. If their calves come off the bench they will fall into a squat pattern, which we don’t want, and is the first step to teaching the difference between the two.

2. Kettlebell Elevated Deadlift

The next step I like to bring clients to is a weighted deadlift with a kettlebell to teach them about tension and to learn to lift things off the ground without hurting their backs. I genuinely believe this step is probably the most crucial step for the general population to prevent low back pain from everyday activities like picking up their children, housework, helping someone move, etc.

In the first video I have a mini tutorial showing you an elevated version of the deadlift and in the second video a version where it’s not elevated and off the ground.

I start everyone in an elevated position. You can use foam pads like I did, or grab two 45lbs plates, stack them together and place the kettlebell on top. For those people who could touch their toes, I’d still want you to start here as I like to use the analogy of your body is a Ferrari, but that doesn’t mean shit if you don’t have the brakes of a Ferrari to slow down when needed. What happens to a car without brakes? You crash and die. Let’s not do that today. Let’s learn how to use our brakes efficiently so when we speed around a corner at 90 mph we don’t spin out of control.

By shorting up the distance to the ground, you allow yourself to once again “bulletproof” yourself and prevent compensation of any other body part.

REGRESSION TIP! If you had to regress this further as you might have a client or patient that is pain sensitive from a car accident, for example, you could quickly raise up the distance. Using more foam pads or two more 45lbs plates. There’s nothing wrong learning how to deadlift with 6 inches of weighted movement. If the individual’s body only allows you that much distance, then own it, increase the weight, and build confidence.

PROGRESSION TIP! After a while, you can either go up in weight in the elevated position OR, start removing the foam pads/45lbs plates away until your deadlifting off the floor. But remember, you need to have a beautiful flat back before progressing this exercise further.

When I coach this exercise, I like to teach about creating tension. With the kettlebell handle, I tell people “create a death grip like Darth Vader.” Immediately everyone crushes the handle like they want to break it, and then I have to quickly remind them not to break the kettlebell as we need them!

By teaching them the death grip, it sends a signal to the rotator cuff saying “Yo! We about to lift some heavy shit! Get ready!” Rotator cuff then sets the shoulders in an optimal position, lats behind to engage and viola! The back becomes a beautiful flat launch pad ready to lift something.

LOW BACK PAIN TIP! I have many clients when they first get into this exercise say “I feel this in my back.”

The next thing I ask them is “where?” THIS QUESTION IS REALLY IMPORTANT! Why? Because depending on where they “feel it” will determine your approach. When my client points to the bottom of their low back (think L5, L4), then we got a problem. If my client points to their low/midback (think T12, T11 or even T8, T7), I’m not worried. When they describe a sensation in their back around the low/mid back junction that isn’t a sharp shooting pain, but “I feel it” that’s most likely their paraspinals, erector spinae, and lats engaging to keep them upright and erect. Considering 99% of the general population sit at a desk or in a hunched over position being put into a straight neutral spine to deadlift will definitely turn on these muscles and work them. They will feel muscles turn on like they never have before. Going from 10 hours at a desk in forward flexion to, tight, rigid, neutral spine, with good form to pick up heavy shit will definitely be a sensation they haven’t felt before and won’t know if it’s good or bad.

The moment they point to their lower back where L5 and L4 sit, then we have to adjust, so their lower back doesn’t become the fulcrum for every hip hinge pattern we put them in. There are a couple ways I try to fix this poor movement pattern my client is performing.

Here is my check list:

1. Evaluate their position. Most of the time it’s a simple fix of moving their body forward over the bar/kettlebell. The moment someone is too far back and tries to lift the bar or kettlebell all the weight is transferred right into that lower back, which we don’t want. But, if you move just a smidge forward, hover over the bar, all of the sudden the weight distribution changes, and you’re good to go.

2. Switch up their stance. Something as simple as turning their feet out and going wider to almost a sumo stance can make a world of difference. Remember who you’re working with! Most likely someone sitting at a desk 10 hours a day, then an hour driving home from work, an hour at the dinner table, then an hour or two on the couch watching Netflix. Is this person going to have tight hips? Hell yeah! Do they NEED to have a perfect conventional deadlift stance? No. Adjust the deadlift position to the needs of the client. There is no rule against it, make it work for them. As long as they mimic the hinge pattern and it presents no pain, load it and keep going.

3. Elevate it one more time! By shorting the distance can quickly make the pain or “feeling in the low back” go away. Remember, pain and “feeling” are feedback from the body and nervous system. It’s trying to communicate with you. It might be as simple as “you’re not ready to go that low, back off,” so LISTEN and adjust.

After working out the kinks and the client is comfortable doing deadlifts with the kettlebell elevated there are a few ways to PROGRESS from here.

Double Kettlebell Sumo Deadlift

This exercise is where I like to go next, you can load it heavy, and your client can start feeling like a badass in the gym. If you have a standard set of kettlebells, you can load this up to 48kgs (two 24kg kettlebells), and that’s already 110lbs of weight which is challenging enough for the average person.

Same coaching cues apply to a regular single kettlebell deadlift. The only thing to watch out for is the hand positions. Sometimes having the kettlebells to deadlift will cause some people to knock the handles together. A simple cue and switch are to invert the handles a little, so you have some space during the movement of the deadlift.

Trap Bar Deadlift

The next PROGRESSION I like to get into is the trap bar deadlift. If you never used one of these bars before I highly suggest you purchase one for your gym. It’s back friendly, and I find that almost everyone I train can figure out the deadlift pattern.

The reason why I LOVE the trap bar is it requires minimal coaching. I will take my client get them stand in the middle and just say “reach down, pick it up.” They automatically understand what I want them to achieve and they hammer out a gorgeous deadlift as I’ve never seen, and then I give them a super hero high five or chest bump and tell them “good job!”

On a more serious note, the way I coach this exercise if they didn’t understand my simplistic approach is I have them starting in the center of the trap bar. I tell them to look down to ensure they are in the middle. The moment you’re too far forward or back will cause the lift to fall apart, similar to the regressions above. Hand position is crucial for the trap bar. Ensuring the hands grip in the center of the handle will bulletproof the angle of pull. From here, simply apply the “death grip,” drive up, and lock out at the top.

PRO TIP! I like to use the analogy of “reach down, grab your 13 bags of groceries, and prepare to drive up, and head to your front door in one trip because performing two trips is absurd.” Client’s love this analogy and understand what I’m trying to get them to achieve. This cue also engrains into the mind to pick heavy things up around the house in the deadlift position.

Finally, The Barbell Deadlift!

Once I have my client go through the above progressions and show proficiency and badassery our next step is the conventional straight bar deadlift.

At this point typically, my client who I am about to coach with the straight bar can move well, has no pain, can touch their toes, doesn’t have too many limitations through the hips. With this list checked off, you should see a decent looking deadlift!

The cues I like to give to my clients in a sequence are things like:

- bow forward to the bar
- reach down, squeeze the bar like you want to break it
- push your feet into the ground
- drive UP through the hips
- Squeeze the bum and lockout at the top

The other point I want to mention is foot position. I coach clients to have a closer stance than the typical “shoulder width apart” stance. I find that too many people when they come down from the top position in the deadlift, their hands almost slide too close to their knees, and then the knees tend to collapse in, and game over, form is out the window.

When it comes to hand position, I coach a position that feels comfortable. At the same time, I won’t allow people going into a snatch grip, or go so narrow that they are always touching their knees with every rep. Find what position works best for the individual and go with it.

PRO TIP! Foot position of the deadlift doesn’t have to the be strict “both feet pointing forward” stance. Depending on the person they might need to rotate the feet out to get into a neutral deadlift position. Find what works and stick to it!

Hopefully, this article helped! Let me know if you have any questions!

FEB,8,2019 UPDATE —

I wanted to share a seminar I put on with my colleague Dr. Sarah Forster to further help you understand the requirements for a perfect deadlift without pain. Here’s about 90 minutes of some lecture and HANDS ON I did with the people at the seminar.

August 23rd 2021 UPDATE

Need more help and guidance with your deadlift? Here’s a 5 minute tutorial on the SUMO Barbell Deadlift which is one of my favourite ways to adjust the deadlift for clients and patients having trouble with the standard traditional barbell deadlift.

I will later update the idea of LATERALIZATIONS concept to exercise as the Sumo Barbell Deadlift is just that. For now, watch the tutorial and give the sumo stance a try!

June 14, 2022 UPDATE: Recently I put together all of my resources on deadlifting into one video/episode on my podcast. This is a full 2 hour compilation on everything I have on the deadlift, and if you watch this, you will have all the tools in your tool box to properly coach and demonstrate the deadlift, enjoy!

May 16th 2024 UPDATE: Torso Length

To understand how torso length affects deadlift mechanics, let’s first define what torso length is. Torso length refers to the distance between an individual’s pelvis and shoulders, essentially measuring the length of their trunk. People have different torso lengths based on genetics, and this variation can influence how they perform certain movements, including the deadlift.

One of the primary ways torso length affects deadlift mechanics is in determining the starting position of the lift. Individuals with longer torsos may have to bend over more to reach the barbell, resulting in a more inclined torso angle at the starting position. Conversely, individuals with shorter torsos may find it easier to maintain a more upright posture when setting up for the deadlift.

The starting position of the deadlift is crucial for optimizing biomechanics and minimizing the risk of injury. A proper starting position allows for efficient force production and transmission through the kinetic chain, leading to a more effective lift. However, individuals with longer torsos may struggle to achieve an optimal starting position, as excessive forward lean can place increased stress on the lower back and compromise spinal alignment.

Moreover, torso length can also influence the bar path during the deadlift. Individuals with longer torsos may have a more horizontal bar path, as they need to clear their knees and shins while maintaining balance throughout the lift. On the other hand, individuals with shorter torsos may experience a more vertical bar path, as they can maintain a more upright posture without excessive forward lean.

Another aspect influenced by torso length is the range of motion during the deadlift. Individuals with longer torsos may have to travel a greater distance to complete the lift, as they need to bend over further to reach the barbell. This increased range of motion can lead to greater mechanical work and energy expenditure, potentially affecting overall lifting performance and fatigue levels.

Furthermore, torso length can impact the leverages involved in the deadlift. Longer torsos may result in longer moment arms, particularly in the lower back and hip extensors, which can increase the torque requirements during the lift. Conversely, shorter torsos may offer more favorable leverages, allowing for greater mechanical advantage and potentially higher lifting capacity.

It’s essential to recognize that while torso length can influence deadlift mechanics, it’s not the sole determining factor. Other anatomical considerations, such as limb lengths, joint mobility, and muscle imbalances, also play significant roles in shaping individual biomechanics. Therefore, it’s crucial for lifters to assess their unique anatomical characteristics and make appropriate adjustments to their deadlift technique accordingly.

In conclusion, torso length plays a vital role in shaping deadlift mechanics and can significantly impact lifting form, bar path, range of motion, leverages, and overall performance. Understanding how torso length affects deadlift mechanics can help lifters optimize their technique, minimize injury risk, and achieve their lifting goals more effectively. By adjusting their approach based on individual anatomical considerations, lifters can enhance their deadlift mechanics and maximize their strength and performance potential.

