Published inSourcerer BlogTurning Bugs into Gems: Debugging Ruby ApplicationsRuby is a beautiful language. It’s worst, and best quality is that once you use it, you likely won’t want to use anything else.Nov 8, 20181Nov 8, 20181
Published inSourcerer BlogFeatured GitHub Repository — MS-DOSby Robert W. Oliver IIOct 14, 20181Oct 14, 20181
Published inSourcerer BlogBuilding Another Website, This Time in CLast time on The Adventures of Bare Metal Web Development, I covered the basic concepts of building a website in C++. Using just a few…Sep 3, 20185Sep 3, 20185
Published inSourcerer BlogApache is Still the Best General-Purpose Web ServerIt’s true.Jul 30, 20185Jul 30, 20185
Published inSourcerer BlogRetrokern: A Modern, Thin, Retro Assembly PlatformThe Princess is in Another CastleJul 2, 20181Jul 2, 20181
Published inSourcerer BlogSenator, We Run AdsRichard Stallman says that Facebook has used not users. And regardless if those “used” are willing, he’s right. As Mark Zuckerberg pointed…May 9, 2018May 9, 2018
Published inSourcerer BlogLegend of the Sourcerer: A Text-based Adventure Game in RubyThat gold-colored Nintendo cartridge might as well have been made of real gold. It was my precious. It didn’t give me invisibility or…Apr 15, 20183Apr 15, 20183
Published inSourcerer BlogBuilding a Website with C++Is This Even Possible?Jan 20, 201862Jan 20, 201862