
1 min readNov 16, 2014


I believe my favorite days are the ones where our friendship was in its early stages. Just friends. Strictly business. I never felt like something dark was growing between us, and I didn’t over-analyze everything. Every time I spoke to her, she had something new to reveal about herself, which made it easy to get through a whole conversation without having to talk about myself much.

I especially loved going for walks with her, and every time we walked, she would wait until we were miles away from the nearest person before telling me some deep, dark secret, which was never as dark as she thought it was. I felt as though I had already heard it all before, as if I had known her in a past life. Those walks meant so much to me, and still do. They pulled me out of a dark, lonely place in my life, as if my life was just a jumbled mess of jigsaw puzzle pieces, and she was the piece that pulled the picture together and completed it.

I constantly find my mind wandering back to the day where we were a mile and a half from her car and it started raining. She was wearing a white shirt, which is probably the worst thing one could be wearing when they’re a mile from their car and rain starts to fall. We were so wet and miserable that day, but I loved it, and I loved her. I just didn’t know I loved her yet.

Originally published at




I shoved my little sister into a clothes dryer when she was five years old and turned it on.