Improving Code Efficiency : Replace String Replacement with Dart String Interpolation

Fajrian Aidil Pratama
9 min readMay 17, 2023


Photo by Luca Bravo on Unsplash

As a software engineer, I am constantly looking for ways to improve the efficiency of the code I write. Recently, while working on an app for a company I am employed at, I noticed that some of the code was using string replacement for inserting values in the middle of a string. Upon researching further, I found out that Dart also has a feature called string interpolation that can be used for the same purpose. I was curious to know which of the two approaches performs better in terms of big O notation, time, and memory complexity, so I decided to conduct a proof of concept (POC) to compare the two.

In this article, I will share my findings on string interpolation and string replacement in Dart, and explain how I conducted the POC. I will also propose a change to the endpoint class of our app codebase, from using string replacement to using string interpolation, based on the results of the POC.


The idea behind this exploration is to compare the performance of string interpolation and string replacement in Dart code when inserting a value in the middle of a string. By understanding the differences in their implementation and evaluating their time and memory complexity, we can make an informed decision about which approach to use in our codebase.


The objectives of this investigation are as follows:

  1. Compare the efficiency of string interpolation and string replacement in terms of big O notation, time complexity, and memory complexity.
  2. Determine the potential performance benefits of using string interpolation over string replacement.
  3. Evaluate the readability and maintainability of both approaches to understand the impact on code quality.


The scope of this exploration is focused on comparing the performance and efficiency of string interpolation and string replacement in Dart code specifically for inserting a value in the middle of a string. The results will help us make an informed decision about which approach to use in our endpoint class.

Now that we have established the objectives and scope, let’s dive deeper into what string interpolation and string replacement entail and how they perform in terms of big O notation, time complexity, and memory complexity.

String Interpolation and String Replacement

In this section, we will explore the concepts of string interpolation and string replacement in Dart code and understand how they differ in their implementation and performance.

String Interpolation

String interpolation in Dart allows us to embed expressions within a string, making it easier to insert dynamic values. We can achieve this by using the $ symbol followed by the expression we want to interpolate. For example:

String orderId = '123';
String url = 'order/$orderId';

In the above code, the value of the orderId variable is interpolated within the string, resulting in the URL 'order/123'. String interpolation provides a concise and readable way to construct strings with dynamic values.

String Replacement

String replacement, on the other hand, involves replacing specific placeholders within a string with actual values. This can be done using the replaceFirst() method in Dart. For example:

String orderId = '123';
String url = 'order/{order_id}'.replaceFirst('{order_id}', orderId);

In this case, the {order_id} placeholder is replaced with the value of the orderId variable, resulting in the URL 'order/123'. String replacement offers flexibility in replacing multiple occurrences of placeholders within a string.

Performance in Terms of Big O (Time and Memory Complexity)

To analyze the performance of string interpolation and string replacement, we need to consider their time and memory complexities.

Time Complexity

The time complexity of string interpolation is O(n), where n is the length of the interpolated string. This is because the interpolated expression is evaluated at runtime and the resulting value is concatenated with the surrounding string.

On the other hand, the time complexity of string replacement using replaceFirst() is O(m + n), where m is the length of the placeholder and n is the length of the string. This is because replaceFirst() searches for the placeholder in the string and performs the replacement operation.

Memory Complexity

In terms of memory complexity, both string interpolation and string replacement have similar characteristics. They both require additional memory to store the interpolated or replaced string. However, the memory usage is typically negligible unless dealing with extremely large strings.

Based on the time and memory complexities, string interpolation tends to be more efficient compared to string replacement, especially when dealing with larger strings or frequent replacements.

In the next section, we will conduct a proof of concept (POC) to benchmark the performance difference between string interpolation and string replacement, providing empirical evidence for their efficiency.

Use Case

To understand the practical implications of using string interpolation and string replacement in the context of a real-world application, let’s consider a use case scenario in our Flutter app.


In our app, we have an Endpoint class that contains the URLs for various API endpoints. One of the endpoints, orderDetail, requires inserting the orderId value in the middle of the URL.

Old Code

class Endpoint {
static const String orderDetail = 'order/{order_id}';
static const String order = 'order/';

// Example usage
Future<void> getOrderDetail(String orderId) {
return client.get(Endpoint.orderDetail.replaceFirst('{order_id}', orderId));

In the old code, we use string replacement to insert the orderId value into the orderDetail URL. While this approach works, it can be prone to errors if the placeholder is not handled correctly or if there are multiple occurrences of the placeholder within the string.

Proposed Code

class Endpoint {
static String order(OrderEndpoint endpoint, {String? orderId}) {
var path = 'order';
switch (endpoint) {
case OrderEndpoint.BASE:
return path;
case OrderEndpoint.BY_ID:
assert(orderId != null, 'Order ID cannot be null for $endpoint');
return '$path/$orderId';

enum OrderEndpoint {

// Example usage
Future<void> getOrderDetail(String orderId) {
return client.get(Endpoint.order(OrderEndpoint.BY_ID, orderId: orderId));

The proposed code introduces an enum OrderEndpoint to handle different endpoint variations and a switch statement in the order method of the Endpoint class. This structured approach ensures that the orderId value is correctly inserted in the URL, eliminating the need for string replacement.

By using this updated code, we can improve code readability, maintainability, and reduce the risk of runtime errors caused by incorrect string replacements. In the next section, we will conduct a proof of concept to evaluate the performance difference between the old and proposed code versions and validate the benefits of the proposed change.

Proof of Concept (POC)

To evaluate the performance difference between string interpolation and string replacement, I conducted a proof of concept (POC). The POC involved measuring the execution time of 1,000,000 iterations of both the old and proposed code versions using a custom benchmarking function.


  1. Old Code POC: I implemented a POC using the old code with string replacement. The benchmarking function iterated 1,000,000 times, replacing the {order_id} placeholder with a sample orderId value.
  2. Proposed Code POC: I implemented a POC using the proposed code with string interpolation. The benchmarking function also iterated 1,000,000 times, constructing the URL using the Endpoint.order() method and passing the orderId value.

To demonstrate the usage and performance of the proposed code, we can create a POC that compares the execution time between the old and proposed code versions.

Here’s an example POC code snippet:

import 'endpoint.dart';

void main() {
final orderId = '1234567890';

final oldCodeTime = measureExecutionTime(() {
for (var i = 0; i < 1000000; i++) {

final proposedCodeTime = measureExecutionTime(() {
for (var i = 0; i < 1000000; i++) {

print('Old Code Execution Time: $oldCodeTime ms');
print('Proposed Code Execution Time: $proposedCodeTime ms');

void getOrderDetailOldCode(String orderId) {
final endpoint = 'order/{order_id}';
final url = endpoint.replaceFirst('{order_id}', orderId);
// Perform API call using the constructed URL

void getOrderDetailProposedCode(String orderId) {
final url = Endpoint.order(OrderEndpoint.BY_ID, orderId: orderId);
// Perform API call using the constructed URL

int measureExecutionTime(Function function) {
final stopwatch = Stopwatch()..start();
return stopwatch.elapsedMilliseconds;

In this POC, we compare the execution time of the old code (getOrderDetailOldCode) and the proposed code (getOrderDetailProposedCode) by running each function 1,000,000 times. The measureExecutionTime function measures the execution time for each code version.

By running this POC, you can observe and compare the execution times of the old and proposed code, providing insights into the performance difference and validating the efficiency of the proposed code.

This proposal and POC demonstrate the benefits of refactoring the Endpoint class to enhance code clarity, compile-time safety, and potentially improve performance. It is recommended to review the POC results and conduct further testing with real-world scenarios to ensure the suitability and performance improvements in your specific application context.


After running the POC, the results revealed a noticeable performance difference between the old code with string replacement and the proposed code with string interpolation.

Result of the Benchmarking Between Old Code and Proposed Code
  • Old Code (String Replacement): The average execution time for 1,000,000 iterations was 11 milliseconds.
  • Proposed Code (String Interpolation): The average execution time for 1,000,000 iterations was 1 milliseconds.


The POC results indicate that the proposed code with string interpolation outperforms the old code with string replacement in terms of execution time. The average execution time for constructing the URLs using string interpolation was significantly faster compared to using string replacement.

This performance improvement can be attributed to the time complexity of string interpolation being more efficient than string replacement, as discussed earlier. By eliminating the need for explicit placeholder replacements, the proposed code minimizes the runtime operations required to construct the URLs.

Furthermore, the proposed code offers better code readability and maintainability. The structured approach using the Endpoint.order() method enhances the clarity of the code and reduces the potential for errors associated with manual string replacements.

In the next section, we will evaluate the overall impact of the proposed code change, considering factors such as code readability, maintainability, and performance gains, and provide recommendations for adopting the updated code in our app codebase.


In this section, we will evaluate the impact of the proposed code change, considering factors such as code readability, maintainability, and performance gains.

Code Readability and Maintainability

The proposed code with string interpolation offers improved code readability and maintainability compared to the old code with string replacement. By using string interpolation, the intent of inserting a dynamic value within a string is clear and concise. It eliminates the need for explicit placeholder replacements, reducing the chances of errors and making the code easier to understand.

Furthermore, the structured approach introduced in the Endpoint class provides a clear separation of concerns and promotes better organization of endpoint URLs. The use of the OrderEndpoint enum and the switch statement ensures that the correct URL is constructed based on the specified endpoint type. This enhances code maintainability, as new endpoint variations can be easily added without modifying the URL construction logic throughout the codebase.

Performance Gains

The POC results clearly demonstrate the performance gains achieved by using string interpolation over string replacement. The proposed code with string interpolation showed a significant improvement in execution time compared to the old code with string replacement. This performance boost can be attributed to the more efficient time complexity of string interpolation, which eliminates the need for explicit replacements.

While the performance gains may vary depending on the specific use case and the size of the strings involved, the overall trend suggests that string interpolation offers a more efficient approach for constructing dynamic strings in Dart code.


Based on the evaluation, I recommend adopting the proposed code with string interpolation in our app codebase. This change will enhance code readability, maintainability, and performance. By leveraging string interpolation, we can construct dynamic strings more efficiently and reduce the risk of errors associated with manual string replacements.

To implement this change, we can update the Endpoint class to include the new structured approach introduced in the proposed code. Additionally, we can refactor the existing code that uses string replacement to utilize the Endpoint.order() method for constructing the URLs.

It is important to conduct further testing and profiling with real-world data to validate the performance improvements and assess any potential corner cases or edge scenarios that may arise. Additionally, ensuring proper code reviews and documentation of the updated code will help facilitate seamless integration and adoption within the development team.

By adopting this updated code, we can enhance our app codebase, improve development efficiency, and reduce the chances of runtime errors related to string replacements.


In conclusion, by comparing string interpolation and string replacement in Dart code, we have found that string interpolation offers improved code readability, maintainability, and performance gains. The proposed code change, using string interpolation and a structured approach, provides a more efficient and robust solution for constructing dynamic strings in our app codebase.

With the empirical evidence from the POC and the evaluation of key factors, we can confidently recommend the adoption of the proposed code change. By embracing this change, we can elevate the quality of our code, enhance development efficiency, and build a more reliable and maintainable app.

The decision to adopt the updated code should be made in consultation with the development team and after considering any specific project requirements or constraints. Through continuous monitoring and optimization, we can further refine our codebase and deliver high-performance and scalable applications.

