Ultimate A.I. Visual Style Guide

Ryan Allen
A.I. Art, Design & Dev
25 min readJan 9, 2023

Transform Your Midjourney Prompts with These 380+ Creative Techniques (with 1500+ Examples and Descriptions)


As I explore AI’s artistic potential, I am amazed by its endless possibilities. Each new discovery fills me with wonder and excitement, knowing that it can shape the future of art and design. I share my insights to inspire others to push boundaries and strive for greatness.

To learn more about my work, you can check out my artificial intelligence image projects at imrsn.com and my product design portfolio at ryanallen.com

Here is a list of over 350 useful terms for A.I. art generation tools, including image examples. These cover multinational art styles, movements, brush strokes, design and color terms, photographic and film terms, pop culture stylistic genres, artistic composition styles, and more.

For this chair style comparison, I have adjusted my Midjourney settings to prioritize quality and style over the default settings.

Midjourney settings for these comparrisons

For reference, here are chair generations with the above settings and no additional prompts. These should result in a variety of random styles.


/imagine prompt: chair

/imagine prompt: chair

List of 350+ Prompts with Image Examples

Here is a list of chair designs that showcase a unique stylistic element. These can be combined to create an eclectic mix of styles.

8 bit / pixel

/imagine prompt: chair, 8bit

chairs, 8 bit
Retro, blocky video game aesthetic (try voxel for less video game themes)

Abstract / abstraction

/imagine prompt: chair, abstract
/imagine prompt: chair, abstraction

chairs, abstract
Not representational or based on external reality or nature, multi-media

Abstract Expressionism

/imagine prompt: chair, abstract expressionism

chairs, abstract expressionism
abstract, gestural painting that expresses personal convictions and human values


/imagine prompt: chair, academic

chairs, academic
Conforming to the standards of an official academy.

Aesthetic / beautiful / designer / superb

/imagine prompt: chair, aesthetic
/imagine prompt: chair, beautiful
/imagine prompt: chair, designer
/imagine prompt: chair, suberb

Concerned with beauty or good taste.


made using aluminum as the primary medium or material

Ambient light

general indirect soft lighting

Analytical drawing

analyzes the subject by breaking it down into individual parts and features, lacks lettering


chairs, anime
Japanese animated entertainment with colorful graphics, vibrant characters, and fantastical themes based on manga and encompassing various genres.

Angular / oblique angle

sharp corners, or angles


chair, app
image used to represent an application on a digital device, probably mobile


copying and alteration of preexisting images, objects, and ideas


relating to buildings, bridges, and other large structures

Art Deco

chairs, art deco
featuring geometric shapes, bold colors, and ornate decoration, often associated with luxury and glamour

Art Nouveau

chairs, art noveau
organic, curving lines and decorative motifs inspired by nature, such as flowers and animals


chairs, artifice
deception or trickery

Arts and crafts

chairs, arts and crafts
values unity of the arts, the individual craftsperson, materials, construction, simplicity, functionality, and traditional methods


combinations of found objects or non-traditional materials

Atelier Populaire

chairs, Atelier Populaire
Parisian print workshop active during protests, known for daily images and found materials.


chairs, Automatism
artist suppresses conscious control over the making process, allowing the unconscious mind to have great sway (similar to surrealism)


innovative, experimental, and inventive in its technique or ideology

B movie

chairs, b movie
low-budget, sometimes a companion to high-budget


chairs, baroque
extravagant, complex art from europe


chairs, bauhaus
influenced modern art. emphasizes materials and functions over traditional art school methodologies


nontraditional forms, rejection of conventional social values

Belle Epoque

chair, belle epoque
Pre WWI French ideal for optimism, peace, and innovations in science and technology

Ben-Day dots

chairs, ben-day dots
CMYK colors used to create shading and secondary colors in printing


abstract forms or images that look like living things

Bird’s eye view

perspective of a scene from above, as if seen from a bird


chairs, black
black, like any color chosen, colors the item in that color

Blender / render / unreal engine / unreal engine 5 / octanerender / octane render / octane

realistic 3D renders with any of these prompts

Block print

chairs, block print
technique in which a relief image is carved into a block, inked, and pressed onto a surface to transfer the image


not clearly visible


heavy fabric interwoven with a rich, raised design


forces a painted look, should be combined with type of brushwork eg fan, fine, etc

Built environment

Human-made surroundings that provide the setting for human activity


Stylized imagery over naturalistic depictions to inspire admiration for the christian church


Decorative lettering


chairs, canon
considered representative of a particular artistic genre or style


chair, card
thick stiff paper or thin pasteboard


chair, caricature
drawing of typically a person with exaggerated features meant to satirize the subject

Cartes-de-visite (CdV)

chairs, carte de visite
Trading cards from the 1800's


first tough, flexible, and moldable synthetic plastic material from 1800s


chairs, censorship
Examining material to remove or suppress objections


chairs, ceramics
made of clay hardened by heat


chairs, charcoal
produces an interplay between light and shadow known as chiaroscuro


chairs, chibi
style of cute caricature originating in Japan, and common in anime and manga where characters are drawn in an exaggerated way, typically small and chubby with stubby limbs, oversized heads, and minimal detail.

Chine colle

chairs, chine colle
french technique, glued thin chinese paper process creates a subtle, delicate backdrop to the printed image


chairs, choreography
arranging dances


chairs, chromogenic
ability of a substance to produce color


chairs, cinematographe
1800’s non electric motion picture aesthetic


chairs, cinematic
motion picture themed and lighting effects like bounced, diffused, and color adjusted light


chairs, cityscape
urban scenery as its primary focus


ancient greek and roman artistic embodiments


chairs, clever
superficially skillful


flexible woven material consisting of a network of natural or artificial fibers


chairs, collage
arranged materials affixed to a supporting surface

Color (complementary, warm, cool, local, relative, blue, etc)

chairs, complementary colors
one of the primary ways we perceive and experience the world and can be described in terms of hue, saturation, and brightness and represented in various ways (single color, gradient, theory, etc)

Color Field

chairs, color field paintings
large areas of color, typically with no strong contrasts of tone or obvious focus of attention

Coloring book

chair, coloring book
outlines or drawings of images that can be colored


chairs, copper
copper as the primary medium


chairs, comic
sequential art encompassing a wide range of artistic styles and techniques

Composition (gestalt, figure-ground relationship, rule of thirds, dynamic symmetry, golden mean/fibonacci nubmers, steelyard, balanced scales, circle, s, triangle, cross, radiating line, tunnel, etc)

chairs, composition
way in which elements of art, such as line, shape, color, balance, unity, contrast, texture, and other design principles are arranged


having a common center


the idea or concept being expressed, rather than on the traditional visual elements of art, such as form, color, and composition

“The idea itself, even if not made visual, is as much a work of art as any finished product.” — Sol LeWitt


chairs, construct
formed or constructed from parts


chairs, constructivism
early 1900’s russian post-revolution ideal aimed at stripping emotion to enable greater social utilitarian purpose


chairs, contour


variability in tonality

Cor-Ten steel

chairs, cor-ten steel
steel alloy that develops a rust-like appearance


chair, costume
what a figure is wearing

Close crop

chair, close crop
removing outer edges of an image


chair, cross hatching
shade a drawing with intersecting sets of parallel lines


chairs, cubism
geometric planes and compressed space fragmentating traditional subjects like nudes, landscapes, and still lifes

Cultural icon

chairs, cultural icon
widely recognized or culturally significant person, symbol, object, or place


chairs, cute
appealing, endearing


chairs, cyberpunk
cyberpunk aesthetic combining 40s film noir fashion, 90s gothic style, military uniforms and gear, and futuristic cybernetic details


chairs, cybernetic
builds upon the legacy of cybernetics, like automatic control systems in machines and living things


chairs, dada
anti modern media & machine/tech culture, characterized by exposure of conventions of order and logic through use of chance, spontaneity, and irreverence


chairs, daguerreotype
1800s direct positive photography technique using silver or silver-coated-copper in a camera obscura

Dark fantasy

chairs, dark fantasy
disturbing and frightening themes of fantasy

De Stijl (The Style)

chairs, de stijl
stripped-down formal vocabulary principally consisting of straight lines, rectangular planes, and primary color

Decorative / exquisite / ornamentation

chairs, decorative exquisite
ornamental objects

Decorative arts

chairs, decorative arts
unique, ornamental, handcrafted, useful objects

Deep focus

chairs, deep focus
technique where all parts of the image, including the foreground, middleground, and background, are in sharp focus

Design doc / diagrammatic drawing

chairs, design doc
technical specs,explain how something works or clarify the relationships between parts of a whole


chairs, designer
unique, luxurious, high quality, haute couture, etc

Die Brücke (the Bridge)

chairs, Die Brucke
simplified or distorted forms and unusually strong, unnatural colors. birth of expressionism


chairs, digital
made with a computer


chairs, diptych
two sections

Direct positive

chairs, direct positive print
photograph made by exposing a surface to light and developing it without using a negative, chemically treated to imitate the tonal range of nature.

Documentary film

chairs, documentary film
nonfiction films that aim to accurately depict some aspect of reality

Documentary photography

chairs, documentary photography
genre of photography that objectively documents a subject or event

Double exposure

chairs, double exposure
photography and filmmaking technique where film is exposed twice to merge two images in a single frame


chair, dramatic
sudden and striking


chairs, drawing
made with pencil, pen, crayon, charcoal, or other materials, often featuring lines and marks


chairs, drip
form of abstract art in which paint is dripped or poured on


chairs, drypoint
intaglio printmaking technique that produces sharp lines with velvety, fuzzy edges.


chairs, drybrush
achieves a blurred or softer painted aesthetic

Dynamic symmetry

chairs, dynamic symmetry
composition theory geometrically designed to promote continuity, flow, rhythm and balance

Earthwork / land art / landscape

chairs, earthwork
manipulation of the natural landscape

École des Beaux-Arts

chairs, Ecole des Beaux-Arts
french art schools based on ancient Greek or Roman forms


chairs, electronic
operates with the aid of many small components like microchips and transistors that control and direct an electric current


chairs, elevation
scale drawing

Embroidery / needlework

chairs, embroidery
decorating with yarn or thread materials using needlework


chairs, emulsion
combination of liquids that don’t blend easily


chairs, enamel
smooth glossy paint

Establishing shot

chairs, establishing shot
film shot setting context by showing important figures and objects


chairs, etching
intaglio printmaking technique that makes thin, fluid, graceful, serpentine, tight and scratchy lines


chairs, expressionism
styled to emphasize intense personal expression, sometimes with clashing colors

Extreme close up (ECU)

chairs, extreme close up
intense version of a close-up shot

Extreme long shot

chairs, extreme long shot
scene shot from far away

Extreme wide shot

chairs, extreme wide shot
shows the subjects surroundings

Fabric / textile

chairs, fabric
material consists of natural or synthetic fiber and other components, such as fabric or yarn


chairs, facade
public facing side of a building, often with decorative finishes


chairs, fantasy
inspired by 20th century fantasy literature and includes symbolism from victorian era, pre-raphaelites, golden age of illustration, and surrealism


chairs, fauvism
strong vibrant colors and bold brushstrokes


chairs, fibre
made of rope, knotting, rug, etc


chairs, figurative
representing form or figure


chairs, film
related to film, motion pictures, movies, etc

Fine detail

chairs, fine detail
exactly or sharply defined

Fish eye lens

chairs, fish eye lens
produces strong visual distortion to create a wide panoramic or hemispherical image


chairs, flat
simple design and color choices

Flat design

chairs, flat design
simple design and color choices in a vector illustration style, popularized with the mobile app boom of the early 2000s


chairs, font
design term to style lettering or typeface weight and size variations


chairs, foreground
appears closest to viewer

Forced perspective

chair, forced perspective
optical illusion to make an object appear farther away, closer, larger or smaller


chairs, form
shape or structure of an object


chairs, formal
official, suitable, done in accordance with rules of convention or etiquette

Found object

chair, found object
manufactured or natural object not originally designed to be artistic, but is now artistic


chairs, framing
edging or framing for art

Full shot

chairs, full shot
shot showing subject in environment


chairs, futurism
early 1900’s celebration of modern technology with fragmented forms evoking energy and violent dynamism

Gelatin silver

chairs, gelatin silver
late 1800’s black-and-white photographic print making technique that uses silver gelatin


chair, genre
having specific form


chairs, geometric
using simple rectilinear or curvilinear lines from geometry


chairs, gestalt
organized whole that is perceived as more than the sum of its parts, similar elements are visually grouped, regardless of their proximity to each other


chairs, gesture
laying in of the action, form, and pose of a model / figure, typically series of poses


chairs, glitch
digital or analog errors for aesthetic purposes

Global Illumination

chair, global illumination
adds more realistic lighting to a 3d scene


chairs, glow
gives off its own steady radiance of light


chairs, god
adds divine masculine qualities

God ray(s)

crepuscular rays are sunbeams that originate when the Sun is just below the horizon, and are noticable when shining through cracks and dust


chairs, goddess
adds divine feminine qualities

Golden mean

chairs, golden mean
desirable greek middle between two extremes, one of excess and the other of deficiency, two quantities are in the golden ratio if their ratio is the same as the ratio of their sum to the larger of the two quantities


chairs, gouache
like an opaque watercolor, its a water-based matte paint


chairs, gradient blending
gradual blending from one color to another


chair, graffiti
usually public facing and done without permission, similar to street art but often incorporates large lettering or decorative script


chairs, graphic
strong use of line and tone


chairs, graphite
form of carbon and leaves a shiny metallic gray color on a surface


chair, greek
art from ancient greece involving naturalistic idealized depictions


chairs, grotesque
ludicrous, repulsive, incongruous, ugly, outlandish, bizarre, distorted aesthetic


chairs, halftone
converting images into a series of dots


chairs, hardboard
compressed wood pulp boards

Harlem Renaissance

chairs, harlem renaissance
african art and contemporary themes


chairs, hdr
high dynamic range enables extreme contrasts and details


chairs, hieroglyphics
egyptian stylized pictographic communication system

High angle (shot)

chairs, high angle
looking down on the subject from above

High quality

very good


chairs, hologram
Interference image formed by coherent light

Holographic / iridescent

chairs, holographic
reflecting, shimmering, iridescent

Horizon line

chair, horizon line
shows where land and sky meet


chairs, horror
meant to provoke fear and revulsion with monsters, grotesque images, blood, gore, etc


chairs, hue
gradiation of color, shade or tint


chairs, iconic
important, enduring, object of great attention or devotion


chairs, iconography
symbolic artistic representation


chairs, idol
object of excessive worship or adoration


chairs, illuminate
make visible or bright by shining light on it; light up

Illuminated manuscript

chairs, illuminated manuscript
intricate precious metal paintings in hand written books


chairs, illusion
unreal, deceptive, misleading


chairs, illustration
visual interpretation of a concept


chairs, impasto
thickly laid on paint, sometimes using a palette knife, so marks are visible


chairs, impressionism
captures transient sunlight, rapid broken color dabs


chairs, improvisation
made with little or no preperation

In situ / setting

in the situation where it belongs

Inclined plane

chairs, inclined plane
flat slanting surface

Industrial Design

chairs, industrial design
aesthetic concerned with manufactured consumer objects

Information age

chairs, information age
shift towards digital technology in the late 1900s


chairs, infographic
graphical representation of data designed for quick understanding

Installation art

chairs, installation art
invites engagement with the environment


chairs, institutional
defining something art makes it art


chairs, intaglio
encompasses multiple metal-plate printmaking techniques including etching, drypoint, engraving, aquatint, mezzotint, etc.

Interaction Design

chairs, interaction design
process of designing artifacts, typically digital, to be interacted with by sentient creatures, probably humans

Interior Design

chairs, interior design
focusing on functional and aesthetic aspects of indoor spaces

Intricate (intricately detailed)

chairs, intricate
very detailed, complicated


chair, isometric
three-dimensional object representation via isometric projection

Japanese ink

chairs, japanese ink
delicate black ink brushstrokes, simplicity and use of negative space

Jazz age

chairs, jazz age
early 1900’s american jazz and the pursuit of social pleasures


chairs, jewels
uses precious stones and jewels


chairs, juxtaposition
close together for comparison or contrast


chairs, kawaii
japanese cuteness


chairs, kinetic
depends on or depicts motion


chairs, kintsugi
japanense art of mending broken objects with gold lacquer


chair, lacquer
various coatings that dry to form a film


japanese art of coating an object


chairs, latin
artistic traditions that developed in Mesoamerica, Central America, and South America after contact with the Spanish and the Portuguese


chairs, leather
leathercrafting uses molding, dyeing, carving, stamping, and fabrication techniques on the skins of animals


chairs, light
source of illumination or a reflection within a composition that can be any color and creates shadows


chairs, line
uses long narrow marks or bands


chairs, lithography
printmaking with oily pastels or tusche


chairs, logo
symbol used to identify an organization or product

Long shot

chair, long shot
filmmaking term used to place objects in relation to its surroundings

Low angle

chairs, low angle
cinematography term angling the camera up from a low angle


chairs, mandala
sacred buddhist and hindu art form sybolizing the universe


chairs, manga
whimsical japanese pictures, typically for comics published in japan


chairs, matte
dull flat non-glossy color with no shine


chairs, maximalism
aesthetic of excess


chair, mecha
large armored robot in manga usually controlled by a human


chairs, metal
bronze, gold, tin, lead, copper, aluminum, silver, etc


chairs, melodrama
exaggerated emotions, stereotypical characters, interpersonal conflicts


chairs, metaphysical
transcending physical matter or nature’s laws

Mexican muralist

chairs, mexican muralist
early 1900’s mexican muralist movement with political and social messaging

Mid-century modern

chairs, mid-century modern
natural materials like wood, leather, and glass, appears lighter and less cluttered, large flat planes, open spaces, etc


chairs, minimalism
simple geometric forms devoid of representational content

Mixed media

chairs, mixed media
multiple artistic medias


chairs, model
detailed three-dimensional representation


chairs, modern
typically monochromatic, clean lines, minimalism, natural materials and light


chairs, monochrome
rendered in one color


chairs, montage
assembly of images that relate to each other to create a single vision


chairs, mood
emotion, state of mind


chairs, mosaic
made of small pieces of colored stone, glass, ceramic, etc


chairs, motif
distinctive often recurring feature, found in tropes


chairs, mural
large painting often on a wall or ceiling


chairs, muse
guiding spirit inspiring artists


chairs, narrative
account of an event


chairs, nastaliq
calligraphy for persion, urdu, and malay manuscripts


chairs, naturalism
adherence to nature

Negative (photographic)

chairs, negative (photography)
reversed tones from photographic film


chairs, neo-impressionism
more measured, less spontaneous than impressionism with more vibrant colors


chairs, neoclassical
grandeur form of classical greek and roman art


chairs, neon
utilizes neon lights to create forms


chairs, obelisk
tall 4-sided monument tapering into a pyramid-like form

Oil Paint

chairs, oil painting
painted with pigment suspended in oil, which dries on exposure to air

Old Master

chairs, old master
distinguised european artist from 1500–1700, like Michelangelo

One-line illustration / drawing (drawing is less digital)

chairs, one-line illustration
simplistic line drawing

Op art

chairs, op art
abstract optical illusions that appear to move


chairs, opaque
light cannot pass through

Open forms

chairs, open forms
everything points out beyond itself, looking limitless


chairs, origami
japanese paper folding art


chairs, organic
biological or organic characteristics


chairs, painting
two dimensional caputre of an idea using pigments

Palette (warm, cool, monochromatic, analogous, complementary, split complementary, triadic, square, rectangle, etc)

chairs, palette
chairs, warm palette
chairs, cool palette
examples of color palette not set, warm palette, and cool palette

Palette Knife

chair, palette knife
technique involves loading the tip of the knife in thick paint (usually some kind of vivid color) and then dabbing it onto the painting


chairs, panel
flat board


chairs, panning
pivot camera along horizontal plane


chairs, panorama
view of surrounding area

Paper cut craft

chairs, paper cut craft
art of cutting paper

Paper quilling

chairs, paper quilling
rolled, shaped, and glued strips of paper

Paranoiac critical method

creative process for the exploration of the creative potential of dream imagery and subconscious thoughts, irrational knowledge based on a delirium of interpretation, it makes the world of delirium pass onto the plane of reality, by simulating paranoia one can systematically undermine one’s rational view of the world, which becomes continually subjected to associative transformations — interview on video

“Presentation by Dalí

Paranoia and critical
The method is based on a “faculty” that only some have, that of being inhabited by “associations and delusional interpretations”. This is the ” paranoia ” part of the method. Whether in the framework of an authentic delusion or that of an ordinary fantasy, the extravagant ideas at the origin of the work are organized in a structure. It is this structure, specific to what is the theme of an obsession, “objective”, and not the subjective thought of the artist, which systematically generates and links the images from one and several obsessive ideas.

However, these images of obsessive ideas will “be objectified a priori by the critical intervention “, that is to say, thanks to distant reflection, the eye of the artist. This is the “critical” part of the method. The role of the artist is to be receptive to these “associations” of images and to understand the system that associates them, “interpret” their meaning, to organize them into a work.”



chairs, pastel
soft delicate color shades


chairs, patchwork
joined pieces or patches of fabric


chairs, pattern
compositional elements that repeat in predictable way


chairs, persona
assumed public facing role, as opposed to the inner self


chairs, photogram
type of photographic print


chairs, photograph
image recorded by exposing a photosensitive surface to light


chairs, photogravure
photo negative transferred onto a copper plate


chairs, photojournalism
news story told with photographs


reproducing a photograph in other mediums as closely as possible


chair, photoshoot
the act of planning and taking a photograph

Pigment / color


Pixel art

chairs, pixel art
simplistic digital art style using individual pixels as building blocks, often with no anti-aliasing, smaller blocks than 8bit or voxels typically

Pixel sorting

chairs, pixel sorting
glitchy effect which selectively orders the pixels in the rows/columns of an image


chairs, plan
diagram showing structure or organization of object(s)


chairs, plastic
malleable moldable materials


chairs, pliable
capable of being shaped, bent, stretched, etc


chairs, plywood
thin layers of wood heated and glued together

Point-of-view shot

chairs, point of view shot
shows what the character is looking at


chairs, pointillism
image made up of small dots of color


chairs, polaroid
type of camera print instantly produced after each exposure


chairs, polyethylene
common form of tough, light, flexible synthetic plastic commonly used in bags and other packaging

Pop art

ironic and critical mid 1900’s art based on popular culture and mass media


hard white translucent ceramic


chairs, post-impressionism
emotional and psychological responses to the world through bold expressive color and symbols


chairs, postmodernism
anti-authoritarianism, deliberate mix of different styles


chairs, precisionism
abstracted forms, crisp contours, static composition

Primary color

chairs, primary color
red blue yellow green (yellow is for pigment, green is for light)


chairs, print
art transferred to paper, can be used for multiple copies


chairs, profile
side view


chairs, propaganda
systemic widespread dissemination of ideas, doctrines, practices, etc. often used for deception or distortion


chairs, proportion
harmonious relations of parts to others and or the whole


chairs, prototype
preliminary model of something


chairs, psychedelic
distorted surreal visuals, bright colors and full spectrums

PVC pipe

chairs, pvc pipe
created with polyvinyl chloride plastic pipes (pvc plastic is often used in clothing, upholstery, electrical cable insulation and inflatable items)


chairs, readymade
found and declared as ‘art’ by an ‘artist’


chairs, realistic
representing something acurately


chairs, relic
object surviving from a historical or sentimental time


chairs, renaissance
revival of classical arts in europe in the 1500s


chairs, rococo
elaborate ornamentation including scrolls, foliage, and animals


Rule of thirds

chairs, rule of thirds
layout the composition into thirds using two horizontal and vertical lines

Rural crafts

chairs, rural crafts
traditional crafts for practical use, typically in the agricultural countryside


chairs, satire
humor, irony, riducule or caricature to expose or criticize something

Scan lines

chairs, scan lines
line, or row, in a raster scanning pattern, such as a line of video on a cathode ray tube (CRT) display


chairs, scene
setting for part of a story


highly imaginative and futuristic


chairs, screenprint
stencil based prints


3d work made of carved wood, chiseled stone, casting, welding metal, molding clay or wax, assembling materials, etc

Secondary color

color made by mixing primary colors

Selective focusing

contrasting in focus subject with blurred elements


chairs, shade
a color plus black

Shape (spiral, zizag, circle, triangle, curve, diagonal)


chairs, silhouette
dark shape and outline


chairs, site-specific
art designed for a specific location


chairs, sketch
loosely defined compositional elements


chairs, sparkle
flashes of light

Special effect

chairs, special effects
visual tricks or illusions to simulate imagined events


chairs, splatter
splattered paint is spontaneous, improvisational


chairs, stain
spilled liquid

Stained glass

chairs, stained glass
colored glass creates colored light


silvery look similar to aluminum and chrome but more industrial and not as shiny


chairs, stencil
used to reproduce images by applying pigment to a surface with holes cut out


chair, sticker
die cut sticker effect

Still life

chairs, still life
inanimate objects, like a bowl of fruit


chairs, stone
made of hard solid nonmetallic minerals

Street art

chairs, street art
but usually public facing, similar to graffiti but done with permission without incorporating lettering

Street photography

chairs, street photography
candid moments in public places


fast bursts of light, may be used to illuminate moving subjects

Style / type

chairs, style
distinctive manner of expression, this post is filled with examples of styles


chairs, stylized
conform to highly artistic style

Subconscious (in technical use, Unconscious)

chairs, subconscious
mind not subject to perception or control, but still affect conscious thoughts and actions

Subject matter

chairs, subject matter
the focus of the work


chairs, sublime
awe-inspiring, greatness beyond measure

Subsurface Scattering

chair, subsurface scattering
light penetrates the objects surface and reflect inside before exiting


colored floating geometric shapes


chairs, superrealism
reproducing a photograph in other mediums with a little bit of surrealism

Surreal / surrealism / unreal

chairs, surreal surrealism
unconsciousness expressed consciously

Symbol / symbolism

ideas expressed with marks


chairs, synthetic
materials produced by chemical synthesis instead of naturally occurring, ex: plastics


chair, tarot
from trionfri, 15th century european 15th-century Italian playing cards with allegorical content featuring the personification of a place or abstraction


chairs, tactile


chairs, tattoo
inked body skini


chairs, technique
method employed to produce an artifact, prompt should be paired with appropriate techniques (examples in wood carving would be: chip carving, relief carving, chainsaw carving, whittling, etc)


chairs, techno
futuristic, lights, electronic


chair, tempera
long lasting type of paint made with pigments in a water-soluble binding medium like egg yolk


chairs, tension
strained, stretched


chairs, texture
feeling or appearance of a surface or substance, examples include rough, smooth, sharp, bumpy, etc

The New Art

chairs, the new art
modern version of art nouveau emphasizing unity and intense sensory stimuli of the modern city

Tilt shift

chairs, tilt shift
photography lens with shifted optics alters perspective to give a miniature effect


chairs, tint
color plus white, increases lightness


chairs, tone
grey added to color to darken the hue


chairs, translucent
light passes through


chairs, triptych
composed on three sections or panels


chairs, trippy
op art and psychedelic art united


chairs, trope
figurative or metaphorical use of a word or expression, similar recurring theme similar to motif

Typeface / typography

chairs, typeface, typography
design of lettering


chairs, ukiyo-e
japanese woodblock and painting techniques from 17–19th century

Unreal engine / unreal engine 5 / octanerender / octane render / octane

similar to render but more scenery, lighting, and effects


chairs, value
lightness or darkness of a color / hue

Vantage point

chairs, vantage point
enables interesting perspectives within the landscape


chairs, vaudeville
pre-radio and film live shows and comedic entertainment


chairs, vector
non-rasterized computer graphics from geometric shapes defined on a cartesian plane, such as points, lines, curves and polygons


chairs, vibrant
high-chroma, intensely saturated colors


chairs, viewpoint
composed as if being observed, often with vignetting


chairs, vignette
darkening of the edges to frame the work


chairs, virtuosity
captivating personal style and skill


chairs, viscosity
thickness of a liquid


chairs, voxel
value in 3d space, similar to a pixel in 2d space, similar to 8bit but less video game themed


chairs, watercolor
painting medium with a luminous transparency

Wax-print cotton

chairs, wax-print cotton
printed fabric

Weld / welded

chairs, weld
joined metal


chairs, white
lightest color with no hue, opposite of black

Wide shot

chairs, wide shot
typically shows the entire subject, intended to place them in their surroundings


chairs, woodcut
prints from carved wood done by hand

Works Progress Administration / WPA

chairs, works progress administration, wpa
mid 1900’s unemployment relief that included artists during american great depression

Zero Group

chairs, zero group
mid 1900 german avante garde movement


chairs, ziggurat
terraced pyramid


chairs, zoetrope
spinning device that creates the illusion of motion by displaying a sequence of static images in rapid succession

Zoom shot

chairs, zoom shot
closer to the subject

Bonus ChatGPT A.I. Quick Hacks

Poetry prompts:

Stanza = a set amount of lines in poetry grouped together by their length, meter or rhyme scheme.

Couplet = a two-line stanza.

Tercet = a three-line stanza.

Quatrain = a four-line stanza.

Cinquain = a five-line stanza.

Sestet = a six-line stanza.

Meter = the pattern of stressed syllables (long-sounding) and unstressed syllables (short-sounding) in poetry.

Rhyme scheme = the pattern of rhyme that comes at the end of each line or verse.

Syllable = the single, unbroken sound of a spoken or written word.

