“You’re going to have to kill me.”

Where I finally found the power to overcome any obstacle.

Ryan Carson
2 min readDec 5, 2016

For the first 32 years of my life I believed, deep-down, that when things started getting really tough, I would quit. I didn’t think I had grit inside.

  • I tried to make it in Basketball but got thrown around because I was too skinny, so I gave up.
  • I tried to build an app but I couldn’t sell it, so I shut it down.
  • I tried to get strong and build muscle but the I-want-to-throw-up-feeling was too much, so I quit.

See a theme? I tried something but it was too hard, so I quit.

Then the Universe handed me Treehouse. I was born at the right time, with the right idea and was loved and supported by my family. I’m not religious but there’s something deep inside me that says “Your purpose in life is to build the next education paradigm — one that’s effective and affordable and will change millions of people’s lives.”

I know that this next education paradigm is something like our Techdegree.

Our Mission at Treehouse is the most important thing I’ll ever work. You would literally have to kill me to get me to stop.

I. Will. Not. Stop.

This isn’t some beefed-up manly macho crap. I have finally found my WHY and that’s where I draw my work ethic, my will power and my strength.

There have been times where I’ve made mistakes and I felt like quitting. There have been times when I tried my hardest, and still failed. There have been times when people have kicked me while I was down.

But I now know my WHY and I will not stop.

There’s no shortcut or secret to achieving something great — the only way is to not give up. To start with a WHY that is truly deep and meaningful to me. Life will keep punching me in the mouth and knocking me down, and my WHY is the only thing that makes me keep getting back up. Eric Thomas says it so well in the video below.

Thanks for taking some of your valuable time to read this post. Have you found your WHY? Are you still looking? I’d love to hear from you in the comments.



Ryan Carson

I'm a Father, entrepreneur and lover of movies. Founder and CEO of @treehouse.