Should Computer Science curriculums include ethics?

Ryan Cohane
1 min readFeb 7, 2018


Ethics helps to explain why you make the decisions you do, how to argue your point of view in a logical way, and when you are faced with a question that you do not have the answer to, it can give you guidance as to what you should do.

There are so many important ethical questions in Computer Science today. Is it a company’s responsibility to make their apps or video games less addicting? Should social media companies take more control over the information they allow to be shared on their platforms? The progress of self-driving cars has led to a plethora of questions with no clear answers.

By equipping Computer Science students with at least a basic knowledge of ethics, they will have a foundation to build on when they are faced with ethical decisions in their careers. As technology continues to change and advance at such a rapid pace, new ethical questions are going to continue to rapidly emerge and it’s important that we have the tools to tackle them.

