3D Glasses or 3D Gif? The 3D portrait dilemma.

3 min readAug 22, 2018


For the last few months I have been focusing on creating a decentralized portrait of Vitalik Buterin. The time spent on this first portrait was more intensive because I was working out a variety of methods and techniques to yield a successful collage portrait.

Stereoscopic 3D has been a medium I have studied and experimented with for over a decade and there is always more to explore. With this portrait project, the focus of the image takes up most of the frame so the ability to layer lots of depth in the background is limited. This bring the attention to the front of the face and this is where the greatest 3D effect happens. Great…so thats it, right.


Stereoscopic 3D visualization can be seen in many ways including with 3D glasses. For this series I chose to use anaglyph (red/cyan lens) 3D glasses for viewers to experience the depth.

The nearly finished version of Vitalik Buterin 3D Portrait

Now that I have this 3D portrait, here is the question of the hour…Do you have 3D glasses next to you to see the depth. I would dream the answer to be yes, but in probably 95% of the times I’ve asked this the answer is no. I always give away 3D glasses to anyone that purchases my art. Hell, I keep an extra pair in my wallet whenever I meet someone who is into 3D and I give them a pair. It’s part of my philanthropic 3D-ness.

Once I started to think about how else to show off this portrait without the use of 3D glasses, I created it as an animated GIF.

Vitalik Buterin 3D Portrait — 3D animated gif

The feeling and emotion of this rendering is completely different than the anaglyph 3D version. While the 3D animated GIF version is not truly 3D, there is something about the perspective shift that feels more “techie” to me which I like.

No matter how much I agonize over which version is the “official” portrait, the fact of the matter is they are all official and those who like each one will have their own reasons. I am excited for what I have developed and am always open to what ends up being the most successful version.

I feel they both have merit. It will be its own unique experiment to see which version is preferred by the cypto art market.

With all the experimenting I have done with this portrait project, I am ready to move forward with my next portraits.

To stay updated on my progress with ‘Decentral Eyes’ portrait series and my other projects, follow me on instgram at:




Art + Design. Stereoscopic 3D. Art Director. Blockchain Art.