Swift Basics — Glossary: Week 4

These are the terms discussed in Swift Basics: Week 4

Ryan Cortez
1 min readAug 14, 2016

Swift: — A programming language created by Apple

Xcode: — A Mac App used to create Apple software

Playground: — A file used by Xcode to place Swift code in

Syntax: — The arrangement of words and symbols to create well-formed statements in a programming language

Constant: — A stored piece of information represented by a name, this information cannot be changed, only copied

Variable: — A stored piece of information represented by a name, this information can be changed

Data Type: — The type of information that is stored in a constant/variable

Integer: — A data type that represents a whole number

Float: — A data type that represents a decimal number

Double: — A data type that represents a decimal number with “double” the precision of a Float

String: — A data type that represents words and sentences

Casting: — Changing a variable/constant from one data type to another

Collection Type: — A constant or variable that holds a collection of constants or variables

Array: — An ordered collection of constants/variables, each item in the collection is represented by a number

Dictionary: — An unordered collection of constants/variables, each item in the collection is represented by a string



Ryan Cortez

A mediocre Software Engineer based in San Jose, California