User Management with Ansible

Ryan Daniels
5 min readMar 2, 2018


Ansible is a great tool to automate all the things. Another task it can help to automate is user management. This guide will be talking specifically about user management on Linux servers like Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL), CentOS, or Ubuntu.

What’s the problem?

If you have multiple servers to manage, it can be a pain to manually add a new user, change a password, or lock an old account. Manually logging into all of your servers and performing these tasks is a real pain, and a huge waste of time.

Luckily there are several solutions.

Solution: Red Hat IDM

There are many different solutions for user management. Red Hat Identity Management (IDM) is a very good solution that works with many Linux servers. IDM is a central location that holds all the user configuration. And it can even connect to Windows Active Directory.

However, if you don’t have a subscription to Red Hat Enterprise Linux there are other options.

Solution: FreeIPA

FreeIPA is the upstream open source project for Red Hat Identify Management. So you can download the FreeIPA package and follow one of many available tutorials for setting up a server and client.

Solution: Ansible for user management

If the above solutions seem too complicated there’s another option. However, you should really take some time to setup user management properly. Use FreeIPA. It’s free!

But, if you want to use another solution while you are setting up FreeIPA, and you already have Ansible as part of your environment then you have another option. Ansible can do this of course!

The reason Ansible is a decent option for user management is because it is idempotent. This means, Ansible will only make a change if the change is needed to get to the desired state. So you can run the same Ansible Playbook multiple times, and if the Ansible tasks are written properly Ansible will only make a change the first time.

Just keep in mind, I warned you to use FreeIPA. This solution is not “enterprise” grade. But it certainly works for certain scenarios, like in a lab environment. And if you want to use Ansible for something new, there is a user management role available on GitHub.

If you aren’t familiar with Ansible, check out my Getting Started with Ansible guide.

This Ansible role is tested on:

  • Ubuntu
  • Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) 7.x, 6.5, 5.9
  • CentOS 7.x, 6.5, 5.9

What this user management Ansible role does

This role will manage users in the user list configuration file (list is in the file vars/lab_users.secret in the example below). It can add users, change passwords, lock/unlock user accounts, manage sudo access (per user), add ssh key(s) for ssh key based authentication.

This is done on a per “group” basis (using Ansible group variables), as set in the configuration file. The group comes from the Ansible group as set for a server in the inventory file.

Note: Deleting users is not done on purpose.

The great thing about Ansible Playbooks, if you don’t like something it’s easy enough to modify.

Install the Ansible user management role

First let’s install the Ansible role to manage users into your Ansible control server:

$ su - ansible
$ cd ~/ansible
$ git clone roles/create-users

You will also need another role (lqueryvg.chage), which you can get from Ansible Galaxy using:

$ ansible-galaxy install --roles-path ./roles lqueryvg.chage

Note, Once this bug is fixed, the user management role can be changed to use the user module directly instead.

Setup Ansible Vault

If you don’t already have Ansible Vault configured, you will need to set it up now. Vault uses AES encryption to store your sensitive information. And we need Ansible Vault to encrypt our user configuration file since we don’t want to be exposing even a hashed password into source control.

First, (if using git), make sure to update your .gitignore file so your Vault password isn’t saved to your source control. And also add the secret file we will be creating later:

$ vi .gitignore

Next, create a password for your Ansible Vault and save it in your Password Manager (like KeePassXC). Then create the .vaultpass file, add the Vault password, and fix the permissions:

$ vi .vaultpass
#Enter password here
$ chmod 600 .vaultpass

Also you need to update the Ansible config file to reference where the Vault file is located:

$ vi ansible.cfg
vault_password_file = ./.vaultpass

Create Ansible Playbook

Next, create the Playbook file:

$ vi create-users.yml
- hosts: '{{inventory}}'
- vars/lab_users.secret
become: yes
- create-users

Create configuration for user management

Next, add your users into a configuration file. The below is only an example, don’t use it in your user management configuration file. Also, make sure the filename matches a .gitignore entry. In this case it will match “*.secret”.
Use the special Ansible command to create the encrypted Ansible Vault file:

$ mkdir -p vars
$ ansible-vault create vars/lab_users.secret
- username: alice
password: $6$/y5RGZnFaD3f$96xVdOAnldEtSxivDY02h.DwPTrJgGQl8/MTRRrFAwKTYbFymeKH/1Rxd3k.RQfpgebM6amLK3xAaycybdc.60
update_password: on_create
comment: Test User 100
shell: /bin/bash
ssh_key: |
ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAACAxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx8crAHG/a9QBD4zO0ZHIjdRXy+ySKviXVCMIJ3/NMIAAzDyIsPKToUJmIApHHHF1/hBllqzBSkPEMwgFbXjyqTeVPHF8V0iq41n0kgbulJG alice@laptop
ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAACAxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx8crAHG/a9QBD4zO0ZHIjdRXy+ySKviXVCMIxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxJmIApHHHF1/hBllqzBSkPEMwgFbXjyqTeVPHF8V0iq41n0kgbulJG alice@server1
exclusive_ssh_key: yes
use_sudo: no
use_sudo_nopass: no
user_state: present
- webserver
- database
- monitoring

- username: bob
password: $6$XEnyI5UYSw$Rlc6tXtECtqdJ3uFitrbBlec1/8Fx2obfgFST419ntJqaX8sfPQ9xR7vj7dGhQsfX8zcSX3tumzR7/vwlIH6p/
ssh_key: AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAACAxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx8crAHG/a9QBD4zO0ZHIjdRXy+ySKviXVCMIxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxJmIApHHHF1/hBllqbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbulJG bob@laptop
use_sudo: no
user_state: lock
- webserver
- database

In the above example, there are two users. Users: alice and bob. If you are familiar with user management on Linux, then most of these settings are self explanatory. For example, both Alice and Bob have a hashed password and ssh keys. Alice actually has two ssh keys configured. But Bob’s account is locked so he can’t log in.

The interesting part is the list of “servers” in the configuration. These are groups defined in your Ansible hosts file. So you can give certain users access to a specific group of servers, depending on the user’s role.

Important note: Be careful with the update_password setting. When set to always, the user’s password will be changed to what is defined in password. This might not be what they wanted if they’ve manually changed their password so it’s usually safer to use on_create.

For details about all the different settings, see the README on GitHub.

Going forward, to update the file, instead of the “create” command line option, use “edit”:

$ ansible-vault edit vars/lab_users.secret

And don’t forget to save this into your source control (git).

Run the Ansible Playbook

$ ansible-playbook create-users.yml --extra-vars "inventory=all-dev" -i hosts-dev

Marvel at the output generated by Ansible. All these users are created, updated, or locked, but only if something needed to change since Ansible is idempotent.

Bonus: Add this in Jenkins

If you also use Jenkins for your CI/CD pipeline, you can add this Ansible Playbook into Jenkins.

You just need to setup Jenkins to use Ansible and Ansible Vault. And there is a great Jenkins Plugin to help. Just follow this guide to use Ansible Vault with Jenkins. Keep in mind that updating the user configuration file is only possible from the command line, since it’s encrypted using Ansible Vault.


In conclusion, there are many options for user management on Linux servers. From enterprise solutions like Red Hat IDM. Or, using the upstream open source software IDM uses directly, FreeIPA. If you decide to use Ansible, then the above Ansible role will get the job done. And you can also add it into Jenkins.

Originally published at on March 2, 2018.



Ryan Daniels

All things Linux, Agile, DevOps, CI/CD, Ansible, Docker, Jenkins, WordPress, InfoSec. @ryan_daniels