Marching Onward — Justice for JamesEarlier tonight, at 5:27 p.m., I was at the Markman Pumpkin Patch with my wife and kids when I got the news: The grand jury returned four…Sep 16, 2020Sep 16, 2020
Show ’Em The LogoIn October 2008, Neo-Nazis Paul Schlesselman and Daniel Cowart painted a swastika and the numbers “14” and “88” on the hood of their car…Sep 8, 20202Sep 8, 20202
Racism-in-Media 101: How a Local Paper Covered a White Supremacist’s Murder of a BLM Protestor“If it bleeds, it leads,” goes local media’s mantra for news-coverage priorities. But is all spilt blood equal?Jul 15, 2020Jul 15, 2020
“If you died, no one would blink an eye.”A racist shooter’s uncharged killing of an unarmed man at a Black Lives Matter protest.Jun 19, 202012Jun 19, 202012
Justice for James Requires Arresting My Racist Former ClassmateJake Gardner, who shot and killed James Scurlock last weekend during a Black Lives Matter protest, was my high school classmate. Until…Jun 10, 20201Jun 10, 20201