Goodbye React Training, React Router, Hello,

Ryan Florence
2 min readFeb 6, 2018


Today I’m announcing that I’m leaving React Training and React Router for a couple new adventures. (Edit: Michael is continuing both, so no worries!)

Just after releasing React Router v1, and after our talks at the very first React Conf, Michael Jackson and I decided to quit our jobs and start doing workshops on React as React Training. Our first official day of business was April 2nd*, 2015. It has been an incredible 33 months for me.

Michael and I pumped about the React Router v4 release at React Conf 2017

Michael is as intelligent as he is entertaining, which is what makes him so good at leading a workshop. I’ve learned a lot working with him. We’ve literally traveled around the world together and I had a blast. I hope you’ll continue to support his efforts at React Training.

I’d like to introduce you to my two new projects: and

My hope for is three-fold: provide the best training experience possible on a myriad of technology, financially support the teams behind the open source we all use and, ofc, provide an income for my family. is launching with 20 (!) workshops on topics like React and React Native, Vue, SVG, Webpack, ES6 and more. We’ve also got amazing instructors, like the creator of Vue himself, Evan You. So go get your training budget and find a workshop you’re interested in:

Check out →

Total React

React, at its heart, is actually quite simple. Because of that, there has sprouted up an array of use-cases for it. After working on React Router, teaching dozens of workshops to thousands of developers, and talking to even more people at meetups, I think I’ve got decent handle on a few fundamental use-cases.

Total React is my new project to provide a cohesive set of online courses to teach each of these use-cases from start to finish. There will be around 7 project-based courses designed to mirror what you’re working on at your job and 10 topical courses to let you go deeper into different patterns, libraries, and the trade-offs that come with them.

Check out Total React →


Thanks for reading. I’m still available for private training on React, but not for consulting :) Hit me up on twitter or email me.

*Protip: quit your job on the first day of the month and keep your insurance for an extra month!



Ryan Florence

Making React accessible for developers and their users at with OSS, Workshops and Online Courses. (Formerly at React Training)