5 Reasons You’re Not Getting Hired as a Designer

It’s Not Them; It’s You — You’re Not Ready.

Ryan Gonzales
16 min readSep 10, 2019


Photo by Alice Achterhof on Unsplash

I often get approached by designers that are looking for help in finding their next or first role. More often than not, after taking a look at their portfolios and having an introduction call, it’s clear to me why they aren’t getting call-backs or offers. They’re not ready.

In this article, I cover what designers should avoid and tips on how to overcome a lack of experience and preparedness for today’s design interview process. I focus mainly on product design, but most of what I write about is universal. I also want to note that I don’t bring up discrimination in this article, although I do fully understand the role bias and discrimination plays in the hiring process. The stories and scenarios I use come from real conversations I’ve had (and cleared) with my mentees and peers.

It’s not them — it’s you, but relax.

No matter which way you boil down all your rejections, you’re the common denominator in the equation. Cultural fit — you. Experience — you. Salary expectations — you. You get the theme here. I’m not here to make our industry sound like it’s all rainbows, unicorns, and cotton candy. Design is one of the most brutal fields of work in…



Ryan Gonzales

Product & Growth Consultant with 20 Years’ Expertise in Product Design and UX Strategy | Owner of Pull Trader - Collectibles Consignment