39 Things I’m Grateful For on My Turkey Arms Race Day

Ryan J. Pelton
3 min readNov 23, 2017
Creative Commons

Today is number thirty-nine in my Turkey Arms Race. A race to strong arm my family as I consume more dark meat than white, devour green bean casserole like a last prison meal, and eat pie like zombies have taken over the world, and it’s the last one in the universe.

Pumpkin I hope

I know for many, holidays are painful reminders the world isn’t the way it’s supposed to be, and relationships are hard.

But in the tension of joy and sorrow, love and loss, there’s always much to be grateful for. In a world seemingly unraveling at the edge among scandal, abuse, and violence… we still, have much to be grateful for.

We still have friends, family, neighbors, and communities fighting the good fight. So, I thought I’d rap off thirty-nine things I’m grateful for… on my thirty ninth Turkey Arms Race.

Maybe it will spur on gratefulness and reflection in your own life:

1. My wife who puts up with my drama and loves me, despite me.

2. Three kid’s (and one on the way) who keep their daddy humble, and full of awe, and wonder.

3. A church family that extends grace to their pastor and embodies the message we preach.



Ryan J. Pelton

I'm a writer and teacher from Kansas City. Let's make some great art with our lives! Weekly creative inspiration: ryanjpelton.com/newsletter