You May Not Know These 7 Things Are Killing Your Relationships

Ryan J. Pelton
4 min readSep 2, 2017
Pubic Domain

Relationships don’t go bad overnight. There are subtle and destructive behavior patterns which erode the bond between spouse or partner. These toxic attitudes turning a once fairy tale relationship into a MMA Super Fight.

But, not all is lost. When particular destructive patterns of behavior are identified and addressed a relationship on life support can become healthy. A once dysfunctional partnership becoming vibrant.

These seven things might be killing your relationships. Identify them… and crush them…

1. Mind Reading

The easiest way to set a relationship on a death spiral is to play armchair psychic. Mind reading takes a posture of assumption instead of listening. Judgment instead of compassion.

When we try and read the thoughts, motives, and intentions of another person their voice is taken away. It dehumanizes the partner and does not give them room for explanation. We all struggle with this one because it’s easier to play “mind reader” rather than listen to your partner.

If you say:

“I know why you did this…” There’s a possibility mind reading has entered the relationship.



Ryan J. Pelton

I'm a writer and teacher from Kansas City. Let's make some great art with our lives! Weekly creative inspiration: