The Actor’s Road Map to Success

Ryan Kitley
3 min readSep 22, 2019

…what I’ve learned on my journey so far

Too many people think acting is simple because they only see the finished product on stage, film, and television. They don’t realize the amount of work that goes into any performance, unless they’ve acted themselves. A good actor never lets us see him act. A good actor makes it look easy therefore most people think it is easy. Nothing could be further from the truth. To be an actor requires more commitment, creativity, discipline, fearlessness, sacrifice, and perseverance than any job I can imagine. Simply put, to be an actor you must be willing to work….very, very, very hard.

Still interested? Great, let’s get started.

Hello and welcome to this blog thing! My name is Ryan Kitley and I’m an actor. I am proud of my chosen profession and I love what I do. I’m thrilled to share my blog with you — The Actor’s Road Map to Success. I am a member of SAG, AFTRA, and AEA with my MFA in acting from The Theatre School at DePaul University. My experience of acting professionally in theater, film, and television for the past 20 years has been life changing. In addition to my acting career, I have worked extensively as an acting teacher, a theater director, and an improv coach. I have been fortunate enough to work with so many talented teachers, directors, writers, producers, casting directors, students, and fellow actors. I have learned countless lessons along the way and I’m eager to share them with you. Whether you are new to acting or have been acting for a while, I am confident that this blog will give you a sharper perspective of what it takes to be a great actor and how you can improve your skills at a faster, more efficient pace.

Every actor needs a solid understanding of how to prepare and perform as a professional. My intention in writing this blog is to give you practical and accessible advice that you can apply to your work. I will share with you a wide range of acting techniques, theories, and tips that have proven successful throughout my career.

Too many people think acting is simple because they only see the finished product on stage, film, and television. They don’t realize the amount of work that goes into any performance, unless they’ve acted themselves. A good actor never lets us see him act. A good actor makes it look easy therefore most people think it is easy. Nothing could be further from the truth. To be an actor requires more commitment, creativity, discipline, fearlessness, sacrifice, and perseverance than any job I can imagine. Simply put, to be an actor you must be willing to work….very, very, very hard.

In addition to everything I’ve experienced as an actor I have also learned a great deal from my work as a teacher. In working with student actors I have the opportunity to learn what not to do. Although many of my students are amazing actors, they tend to pick up some bad acting habits. Throughout the life of this blog I will share with you how to avoid those bad habits in your work.

Acting is an elusive art form. There is no singular formula for becoming an actor. If that was the case there wouldn’t be so many books, and schools, and teachers, and methods, and techniques. We’d all study the same material and become A-list actors. Fortunately, for the sake of creativity and expression, it doesn’t work that way. Acting, like most art forms is extremely subjective, which is a good reason why so many of us find it so fascinating. One lesson I’ve learned is that in the end, the best method is the one that works specifically for you. I encourage you to adopt your own approach to acting and I’m confident that The Actor’s Road Map to Success will guide you in your pursuit.

I look forward to taking this journey with you!

Ryan Kitley

