Pexa Project Wallet Moves Away From RVN and On To BTC 0.20

Ryan Hein
3 min readJun 13, 2020


The Pexa Project wallet has just undergone a major update with the 1.7 version wallet. Previous versions were a fork from the RVN codebase, which was itself based on Bitcoin Core version 0.15. This version had many RVN-specific features different from Bitcoin such as the X16Rv2 mining algorithm, DGW difficulty adjustment algorithm, and RVN assets. This brought with it various bugs and challenges to stability, as well as a lack of any Bitcoin Core features beyond version 0.15.

The Pexa Project wallet version 1.7 essentially throws RVN out the window and is instead a direct fork of the Bitcoin Core version 0.20 which was released June 3, 2020. The X16Rv2 mining algorithm and DGW difficulty adjustment algorithms are still retained to assure GPU mining compatibility. Assets as well as any other deprecated features from RVN are no longer present. Assets will be completely removed on block 508,000.

Many updates have been performed to the Bitcoin Core since version 0.15 when RVN forked from it. Features include the inclusion of bech32, p2sh-segwit, and legacy address types, as well as updated RPC commands. The full list of updates to Bitcoin Core going from 0.15 to 0.20 can be seen in the release notes for each version linked below, but are much too numerous to list here.

Importing your previous wallet works as usual using the console in the new wallet. The wallet.dat from your old wallet can also be saved and copied into the new wallet directory as is common practice when upgrading wallets.

Moving from RVN to Bitcoin codebase greatly increases the stability of the wallet, and sync times have been reduced significantly. The wallet GUI is much cleaner and no longer mirrors the aesthetics of the RVN wallet. Other major developments enabled by this move to Bitcoin Core can’t be announced as of yet but will be in the near future. Bitcoin Core version 0.20 provides a stable and capable platform for future development of the Pexa Project.

To download these new releases please visit the GitHub repository.

Stay tuned for more updates!

This article will be updated as needed as questions come in. If you are running a mining pool it is strongly advised you update to the latest of version Pexa 1.7.0.

Note: When you are updating Pexa on Yiimp or NOMP, please note that the accounts feature has been removed, and you will likely need to update the Yiimp or NOMP stratum as well to get your pool working with the latest Pexa.

See this gist for getting your Yiimp stratum to work.

Pexa cloud’s stratums will work as intended.

Ways to Support the Project and Development

If you love what we’re doing you can support the project a number of ways. You can donate to one of the addresses below, or head on over and check out Star Citizen and purchase a ship package to feed my Star Citizen addition use code STAR-652H-XZHC to get 5000 free in-game credits.

BTC: 39hB2U3Z9Xzd9AxLerARuscbDkiQHn8bpy
LTC: MEp2yGFTmZBVU1vnzgwzpWrwspsoLkeh6c
ETH: 0x0e56e109A4Fbc98a0A6Df4320F04EDEc1987e94A
ETC: 0x37ee6C3E22c734DfAA53A006D4D4B36136fCA26d
PEXA: XDix8fDzYk7nfjG8vD52tPuP2zXWkKUDVi

Links and Community Participation

To participate in the community, please follow us on twitter and join the Discord channel.



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Pexa Coin Core Releases:

