Focus Your Clarity, Scale Your Brand

Ryan Whitehead
2 min readJul 23, 2020


Have you ever felt like something limited you, but it turned out that limitation propelled you into your purpose? I’m sure for a lot of us that is true, but it is especially true for Deon Bonaparte. Deon grew up having a speech impediment but is now getting paid to communicate and to use his mind. His area of expertise is in branding and marketing, as he consults with fellow entrepreneurs to help scale their businesses by focusing on brand strategy and marketing objectives.

Growing up, Deon never really liked books. He didn’t find enjoyment in reading, but that all changed as he got older. “Books really changed my life. I grew up never liking books, but when I picked up a book and began to see through the words, I could then see who I could be through reading”, says Deon. As he went into his college years, enrolling in school built his confidence even higher, and that is where he got the inspiration to be the owner of his business. Deon graduated with a degree in Advertising with a focus on Brand Strategy from Columbia College. Shortly after that, Deon launched his company called NDVU, which is a brand strategy consulting firm. Deon lists the three focal points of branding as People, Process, and Product. He also created a lab that compliments his consultations that his clients can follow that gives in-depth resources on scaling a business from conception to finalizing the brand strategy.

In the span of a month, NDVU went from $750 to $15,000 in sales. I am no mathematician, but that is some serious growth!! He uses platforms such as Zoom and in-person consultations to help entrepreneurs and small business owners improve their branding strategies. His target audience includes creatives and entrepreneurs that already have jobs, to help them turn their passions into a legitimate business to not only be supplemental income but also being turned into stable, consistent income. Deon and NDVU is a bridge to help people turn their passions into a feasible job, helping them to build transparent brands.

His call to action is this: If you are someone that has something you want to bring to the public, and you need help creating your brand, connect with him and his team at NDVU to assist with creating a brand strategy. Branding is a major part of creating a business, and Deon has mastered that. Connect with Deon on his website and on Instagram @ndvulab.

