XTA Bumblebee Release — v0.15.0

XTA Bumblebee Release — v0.15.0

ryan lopez
4 min readJan 25, 2020


XTA is proud to announce the release of #Bumblebee, which is their next major upgrade scheduled for this January 27th, 2020 at block 465,000! This major release will update their algorithm from Cryptonight_R to the highly anticipated RandomX! We will be getting into all of the details in this article that you don’t want to miss! Let’s begin!

A Brief History

XTA, born in 2018 with dreams of success, innovation, & fair distribution principle — is now on its 15th network upgrade to v0.15.0. No premine, no funding, no ICO, just pure hard work and coding! A variant of the Cryptonote codebase, this SUPERCHARGED state of the art privacy-tech coin is making big waves in the micro cap sector! With a total volume of nearly 1.5 BTC for the month of January things are really starting to bubble as they approach their highly anticipated “Bumblebee” fork.

Micro Cap Sector

The micro cap sector is on a league of its own. Filled with extremely unpredictable, high risk, MOONSHOT potential projects. It is very common to have periods of illiquidity and liquidity and is not for the faint hearted. As the markets heat up heading into the next BTC halving in May 2020, the probability of these micro cap sectors blowing up is increasing every day. It is only a matter of time until a pandemonium filled stage of EUPHORIA will be upon us.

Primed to PUMP

With technology reaching an exponential rate of growth and the ever so increasing demand for privacy, XTA is perfectly positioned to have EXPLOSIVE growth in the micro cap privacy sector. Its technicals all lead to upwards price discovery with a current circulating supply of only 3.6 Million and current market cap of only 30k! Take a look at the charts and price action on TradeOgre (the privacy coin hubspot exchange) and have a look for yourself.

Bulletproof Supercharged

XTA was the first CryptoNote coin to implement Bulletproofs onto their chain. This is a major achievement! Here is a screenshot of the block which they were integrated on April 2nd, 2018 — (You can visit the explorer yourself here to confirm: Block 5000 Bulletproof Integration):

Bulletproof integration at block #5000

Since XTA has bulletproofs integrated since block height 5000, its chain is super compact, efficient, and less prone to bugs. It has a STATE-OF-THE-ART privacy encrypted chain. The current block size is down to 1.4kb from 14kb which is a huge, huge reduction! This results in LIGHTNING fast speeds and security! With its newest #Bumblebee upgrade the chain syncs from start to finish in only 12 minutes!

Syncing from block 0 to current height in only 12 minutes

How to Prepare for the Update?

The ITALO Team has proudly released the newest v0.15.0 builds for Windows, MAC & LINUX which can be found here:

Graphic User Interface (GUI): NEW GUI WALLETS (Windows & MAC)

Command Line Interface (CLI): NEW CLI WALLETS (Windows, MAC & LINUX)

It is recommended to update your wallet prior to the fork at block 465,000. Please note that you must update your wallets if you would like to transact with your coins after the fork. If you have any questions regarding the fork transition feel free to stop by TELEGRAM or DISCORD.

Other Cosmetic Updates Include:

Updated Mining Pool — See mining pool here: XTA Mining Pool

Updated Mining Pool

Updated Explorer — See Explorer here: XTA Explorer

Updated Explorer

Updated GUI Wallet Interface (Light & Dark mode)

New UI — Light and Dark mode

Other v0.15.0 Highlighted Updates Include:

  • New PoW based on random instructions, adapted to CPUs
  • Consensus changes: Forbid transaction with just one output, Use effective median block weight for penalty, Enforced 10 block minimum output age for use in rings, Reject signatures in coinbase txes, Reject v1 coinbase txes
  • Guard against generating bad block templates in pathological case
  • Verification speedups
  • Some protection against isolation by rotating a small amount of nodes
  • Inactivity lock in wallet
  • IPv6 support
  • See full list of updates here: Bumblebee v0.15.0 Updates


If you’re looking for an UNDER THE RADAR, SUPERCHARGED, PRIVACY ENCRYPTED coin with MOONSHOT potential, you have found it. XTA is positioned to be one of the most EXPLOSIVE micro cap coins in the privacy sector going into 2020 and beyond. The small but growing community is filled with AWESOME individuals that consist of crypto miners & altcoin enthusiasts who are on the forefront of privacy and freedom.



