Advantages and disadvantages of solar energy

Ryan Richard
4 min readOct 9, 2019


Solar Gold Coast

When talking about energy sources, most people are positioned for or against a certain type (solar energy, nuclear energy, wind energy, etc.). The positioning arguments are varied: energy efficiency, pollution, security, cost … We will therefore try to analyze the advantages and disadvantages of solar energy in the most objective way possible.

Although solar thermal energy and solar photovoltaic energy are two different types of energy with different characteristics, we will do it together to analyze the advantages and disadvantages of this type of renewable energy.

The benefits of solar energy

The benefits of solar energy depend on different factors. Depending on the characteristics of the solar installation, some advantages can be observed compared to other energy sources.

• Solar energy is a renewable energy and, therefore, it is inexhaustible. Although the sun has a limited lifespan, it is considered inexhaustible on a human scale.

• Low pollution and respect for the environment. The production of electrical energy in the case of photovoltaic energy or the production of domestic hot water in solar thermal energy is neither polluting nor producing greenhouse gases.

• Installations with reduced installation and maintenance costs. The cost of a solar installation compared to other types of installations such as a nuclear power plant is very low. Similarly, the maintenance of a solar installation is not very expensive.

• Favorable for isolated sites. In cases where access to the electricity grid is difficult, solar energy is a very good option.

• Favorable public opinion. Public opinion is generally in favor of using solar energy. The public feels that it is clean and sustainable renewable energy.

The disadvantages of solar energy

Depending on the characteristics of the solar installation, the disadvantages of solar energy will be more or less important. Despite all the advantages, the disadvantages must be carefully analyzed. Some disadvantages of solar energy may imply that a solar installation may not be feasible. Aspects to consider are:

• Energy efficiency is low compared to other energy sources. The ratio between the amount of energy received in a solar panel and the amount of electrical energy is small compared to other energy sources such as nuclear energy.

• The economic cost compared to other options. Especially in solar thermal energy, by exploiting the properties of temperature and thermodynamics, the performances are superior to photovoltaic energy.

• Performance is a function of time. The dependence on climatology makes this energy source an unachievable option in areas where the sky is generally cloudy.

• Limitations on solar time. Keep in mind that in some areas the solar time is shorter. In the Nordic countries, for example, during the winter days, the solar hours are very few. In addition, the inclination of the sun relative to the surface varies during the different days of the year. The variation of the solar radiation inclination affects only the performance of the solar panels.

• Limitations to store the generated electricity. Because the hours when electrical energy can be obtained do not always coincide with the hours during which it is necessary to store energy. For this, there are solar batteries and hot water tanks, but the efficiency is still very low

Differences between solar thermal and photovoltaic energy

Solar thermal energy (also known as solar thermal energy) consists of using solar radiation to obtain thermal energy (heat). The resulting heat is used for the production of hot water for domestic consumption, whether hot water or heating. Solar energy can also generate electricity or even build solar ovens. It is therefore a thermodynamic mechanism in which the energy is transformed.

On the other hand, photovoltaic solar energy also converts solar radiation into electricity. If thermosolar energy needs a thermodynamic process to be converted into electrical energy, photovoltaics needs a chemical process: it consists in transforming solar radiation into energy by means of a continuous electric current. This transformation is achieved through the composition of semiconductor materials such as silicon and the photoelectric effect. This transformation into energy is immediate thanks to the photovoltaic modules.

Advantages and disadvantages of solar thermal energy compared to photovoltaic

The advantage of solar thermal energy compared to photoelectric energy is that it allows many applications (solar heating, electricity production, etc.), while photovoltaic energy only allows the production of electricity. electric energy. The disadvantage of solar thermal energy is that it offers lower performance than solar photovoltaic installations.

When it comes to heating water, solar thermal energy has an advantage because the thermal energy is directly transmitted to the water. Photovoltaic energy has the disadvantage that, in order to heat water, it is necessary first to generate electricity and then to heat the water with an electric radiator. This system causes some energy losses.

There are a lot of Solar companies in Gold Coast who install solar system gold coast.Ryde Energy is one of the best solar installation in gold coast.



Ryan Richard

I am Ryan from Australia. I am currently running a business named as “Ryde Energy”.