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Phishing Kits For Sale

Ryan Williams Sr.
3 min readApr 29, 2024


Welcome to “The Other Side of the Firewall” podcast, where we discuss the most pressing cybersecurity issues while highlighting the movers, and shakers, and glass ceiling breakers in our field. In today’s episode, we’re unpacking a massive global phishing scandal that echoes the complexities and widespread nature of cyber threats today. In today’s episode Ryan Williams Sr., is joined by co-hosts Shannon Tynes and Daniel Acevedo, CISSP, CEH, Six Sigma, to discuss the mechanics behind a $249-a-month global phishing service that catered to over 2,000 hackers.

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The Phishing Kit Phenomenon

Recently, a significant operation led by the Metropolitan Police in the UK has brought to light the alarming sophistication of cybercriminal enterprises. Law enforcement across 19 countries collaborated to dismantle an online platform that made over a million pounds by selling phishing kits. These kits enabled cybercriminals to execute bank fraud and steal vast amounts of personal data, including passwords and PIN numbers.

How Phishing as a Service Works

Phishing-as-a-Service (PaaS), much like any legitimate SaaS business, operates on a subscription model. This particular service provided users with tools and potential targets for their criminal activities, illustrating a disturbing shift towards commoditizing cybercrime tools. Shannon pointed out the ironic professionalism of these services: “They’ve got their own systems that make them seem so legit and normal, just like any big corporation following a subscription model.”

Impact and Implications

The operation uncovered startling figures: 480,000 bank card numbers, 64,000 PINs, and over a million passwords. The ease of access to such tools makes it paramount for individuals and organizations to enforce robust security measures, like avoiding password reuse — advice we’ve reiterated often but still see neglected.

Daniel, bringing his cybersecurity expertise to the table, emphasized the scale and potential for cinematic dramatization of these stings, comparing them to plots from high-stakes thrillers. “This is straight out of a Jack Reacher movie,” he commented, highlighting the operation’s broad international cooperation and the sophisticated nature of the cybercrime involved.

The Future of Cybersecurity and Phishing

As we wrapped up today’s discussion, it was clear that the fight against cybercrime is escalating in complexity and scale. The international response to these threats is promising, but as the methods of criminals grow more sophisticated, so must our defenses and the cybersecurity community’s response. Tune in tomorrow as we continue to explore these challenges and more.

Stay tuned for more insights, and don’t forget to engage with us on our social media platforms. Your thoughts and feedback not only enrich our discussions but help shape a more informed cybersecurity community.

Thank you for reading and stay tuned for more episodes of The Other Side of the Firewall podcast on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Fridays, as well as, the Ask A CISSP podcast every Thursday. Please like, share, and, subscribe.

Stay safe, stay secure!



Ryan Williams Sr.

Cybersecurity Professional | CISSP | PMP® | Founder & Host of The Other Side of the Firewall & Ask A CISSP Podcasts | Retired U.S Air Force Vet | DE&I Advocate