The importance of the internet archive cannot be overstated.

The Internet Archive Under Siege

Ryan Williams Sr.
3 min readJun 5, 2024


In a rapidly evolving digital landscape, the Internet Archive stands as a guardian of our collective online memory, preserving millions of web pages, videos, and documents. However, this invaluable resource is currently facing a severe threat: a sustained, targeted Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attack.

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The significance of the Internet Archive cannot be overstated. Often referred to as the “Wayback Machine,” it allows users to access historical versions of web pages, providing a crucial tool for journalists, researchers, and the public to hold individuals and organizations accountable. As Shannon Tynes points out, “It’s like having a record of everything said or done on the internet, which can be incredibly important for posterity and truth.”

The attack’s sophistication suggests it isn’t a random act of vandalism but a calculated attempt to disrupt access to information. Daniel Acevedo highlights the perplexing nature of this situation: “The targeted and adaptive nature of this DDoS attack indicates a level of planning and resources that goes beyond typical hacktivism. It raises questions about the motives behind it and what might be hidden in the shadows.”

This ongoing cyber assault underscores a critical issue in the cybersecurity landscape. Nonprofits like the Internet Archive often lack the robust defenses of larger corporations, making them vulnerable targets despite the crucial services they provide. As I mentioned during our discussion, “Attacking the Internet Archive is like striking at the heart of digital transparency and accountability. It’s baffling why anyone would target an organization that serves the public good so extensively.”

The implications of such attacks are far-reaching. If sustained, they could cripple the Internet Archive, erasing a vital resource for truth-seeking and historical accuracy. The situation calls for increased awareness and support for cybersecurity measures to protect such essential institutions.

As we continue to monitor this situation, it’s crucial for the cybersecurity community and the public to rally behind the Internet Archive. Their work ensures that the internet remains a space of accountability, where history cannot be easily rewritten or erased.

Call to Action

Before I wrap up, I’d like to remind everyone to “like, share, subscribe” to our podcast. We’re aiming to reach 500 subscribers by the end of the month. We’re 400 right now, so we just need another 100 people to sign up. Also, check out our latest episodes, including a great interview with Delisha Hodo from SANS Technology Institute and an upcoming one with Rico Randall, a Red Hatter and host of the DEM Tech Folks podcast.

Thank you for reading and stay tuned for more episodes of The Other Side of the Firewall podcast on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Fridays, as well as, the Ask A CISSP podcast every Thursday. Please like, share, and, subscribe.

Stay safe, stay secure!

Ryan is a retired Air Force veteran who brings over 20 years of experience in network infrastructure, project management, and cybersecurity consulting to his current role at BuddoBot . At Buddobot, he is dedicated to supporting national security by helping organizations transition from costly, reactive, and automated IT and security practices to proactive and robust security solutions.

Shannon, also a retired Air Force veteran, has more than two decades of expertise in network security and vulnerability management. He now serves as an Information System Security Officer (ISSO) for the U.S. Space Force, where he continues to enhance national security protocols.

Daniel is an Air Force veteran with over 15 years of combined experience in IT, cybersecurity, information assurance, and government risk compliance. He has held various roles, including IT administrator, cybersecurity engineer, senior information system security manager, and currently serves as a senior security consultant for Booz Allen Hamilton. In this latest role, Daniel leverages his expertise to address unique and complex challenges in the cyber and IT domains, enhancing his customers’ capabilities.

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Ryan Williams Sr.

Cybersecurity Professional | CISSP | PMP® | Founder & Host of The Other Side of the Firewall & Ask A CISSP Podcasts | Retired U.S Air Force Vet | DE&I Advocate