Why You Should Start Coding In 2023

5 min readFeb 11, 2023


01100011 01101111 01100100 01100101 — beep boop beep boop

Our world is constantly evolving around technology, with new technologies being developed on a daily basis to solve real-world problems. As you are aware, there is no such thing as technology without C.O.D.E. Although it may sound like an alien language, code is the fundamental language used to communicate with machines and programs. It’s more like a foreign language that others speak or see, like Korean or sign language.

Code can be found in any type of software or program in almost anything even in toothbrushes, utensils, glasses, and shoes! In principle, the purpose of code is to give specific instructions to machines and asking them to process or automate tasks for us. Basically, you can build anything like programs, software and games with code, how cool is that!

hello world in python
beep boop beep boop .. Hello, World!

Technological Landscape In 2023

Due to economic challenges and uncertainty, the tech industry will most likely be more sober in 2023. Even so, I believe that the tech industry will try to be more cautious in planning the next stage of technological evolution. Companies, on the other hand, will need to find ways to do more with less, as well as strategically invest in innovative technologies that will be promising in the coming years. Nonetheless, in 2023, the technological trend will be more focused on sustainability and growth. I won’t go into detail about each trend, but here are a few technologies that will impact our lives this year:

  • Artificial Intelligence: The rise of AI Chatbots will fundamentally change how we do things in life from our homework, writing code, understanding documentations and more.
  • Metaverse, Web3, AR/VR: The Web3 space is expected to rise in 2023 due to the demand and hype for immersive experiences.
  • Sustainability Tech: Investments and projects are expected to increase for green projects, clean energy sources, carbon capture projects and reforestation.
  • Internet of Things (IOT): IOT products and services are expected to rise especially in the health and well being sector as well as in the energy sector by using data-driven intelligence to drive energy efficiency.

Technology is the future and the future is now

Technology is constantly evolving to solve many of our daily problems. The tech industry is constantly evolving, and there is a new high in demand for developers and programmers! Coding may appear to be a very technical term or activity; perhaps you actually imagine a hacker with binary codes flying all across the screen.

But I can assure you that it is nothing of the sort; perhaps if you are a black-hat hacker or a movie actor, this applies to you 😎. The truth is that learning to code is similar to learning natural languages such as English, Japanese, or French, except that it is easier. Most programming language syntax follows the same rules and principles, which makes learning new programming languages easier.

Here are the 5 reasons why you should start to learn how to program and code now which is well explained by Jesús Lagares below. Please read carefully because learning to code can be as life-changing and rewarding for you as it was for me.

There is no age limit to code. In fact, many schools around the world have started programs for pre-school children to learn coding. Here is why:

Hey hey, not just school kids but for the elderly as well:

Additional: Brainy benefits of coding

In conclusion,

There are literally little to no limitations and restrictions in learning how to code, anyone can code from anywhere for free and all you need is ⌚. Imagine if there are more programmers in the world, more technological advancements can be made, new innovative solutions and breakthroughs will be accelerated and be turned into a reality.

There are tons of free quality resources online for you to learn coding such as Harvard’s free CS course and CodeAcademy. On the other hand, there are also great 💎in YouTube as well such as The Net Ninja and FreeCodeCamp.

And that is why you should start to learn how to code in 2023.

Thank you for reading, if you liked this article, please don’t forget to smash that 👏 and share it with your family and friends.

About me

Hi, I am Ryan. A motivate and passionate connoisseur in tech, seeking to leverage technologies to solve real world problems. I am currently working @ Ximnet as a web developer and I am finishing my degree this year at Tunku Abdul Rahman University of Management and Technology. I am starting to share my passion in tech and helping others to understand tech in ways everyone can understand. So do follow me and join me in this journey and dive into the tech world.

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