What Are the Differences between Accuracy and Precision?

Rayan Yassminh
3 min readJun 13, 2023


While Wyatt Earp’s quote “Fast is fine, but accuracy is everything” emphasizes the significance of accuracy, it is worth noting that accuracy and precision are both crucial and have equal importance together.


Join me in this article as we continue my series titled “What are the differences…?” Today, we’ll explore two important terms in statistics and data science: Accuracy and Precision. These concepts are fundamental to understanding the quality of measurements and predictions. By unraveling the dissimilarities between accuracy and precision, we can gain valuable insights into the world of data analysis and interpretation. So, let’s dive in and uncover the distinctions between accuracy and precision.

Accuracy and precision are terms used to describe the quality of measurements or predictions. Imagine you have a target board, and you want to throw darts at the center. Accuracy refers to how close your dart throws are to the center of the target. If your throws consistently hit the bullseye or are very close to it, then your throws are accurate. However, if your throws are scattered all over the target, far from the center, then your accuracy is low.

Precision, on the other hand, refers to how close your dart throws are to each other. If your throws are tightly clustered together, it means they are precise, even if they are not hitting the center. This indicates consistency and repeatability in your throws. However, if your throws are spread out and not clustered, your precision is low.

To illustrate this:

  • If all your darts land in or near the center of the bullseye, your throws are both accurate and precise.
  • If your darts consistently land far from the center, but close to each other, your throws are precise but not accurate.
  • If your darts land randomly all over the target board with no particular pattern, your throws are neither accurate nor precise.

To summarize:

  • Accuracy is about how close your throws are to the target’s center.
  • Precision is about how close your throws are to each other.

Accuracy and Precision through Mathematics:

Accuracy and precision can be defined mathematically using various statistical measures.

Accuracy: It is commonly measured using the mean error(ME) or the mean absolute error (MAE) between the measured/predicted values and the true/target values.

Mean Error (ME):

ME = Σ(x — T)/ n


  • n is the total number of measurements/predictions.
  • x represents the measured/predicted value for the i-th measurement/prediction.
  • T represents the true/target value for the i-th measurement/prediction.

Mean Absolute Error (MAE):

MAE = Σ| x — T|/n

Precision: Precision refers to the consistency or reproducibility of measurements or predictions. It is often measured using standard deviation or variance, which quantifies the spread or dispersion of the data points around the mean value.

Standard Deviation (SD):

SD = sqrt( Σ(xᵢ— X)² / (n-1) )


  • n is the total number of measurements/predictions.
  • x represents the measured/predicted value for the i-th measurement/prediction.
  • X represents the mean value of the measurements/predictions.


Variance = Σ(xᵢ— X)² / (n-1)

It’s important to note that these are simplified mathematical representations of accuracy and precision. In practice, there can be variations and additional statistical measures used depending on the specific context and requirements of the application.

In conclusion, analyzing accuracy and precision measures provides valuable insights into the quality and reliability of measurements or predictions. It also holds significant practical significance across various fields such as science, engineering, and statistics. By considering both accuracy and precision, you can ensure that your results are reliable, meaningful, and applicable to real-world scenarios.

If you’re interested in reading more from my series “What are the differences…?”, make sure to check out my stories and visit my profile. There’s plenty of exciting content waiting for you to discover. Join me on this journey of exploration!



Rayan Yassminh

I am a machine learning scientist with a broad STEM background. I aim to explain basic concepts using practical and straightforward examples.