7 Questions to Consider Before Selecting a TMS


Rygen Technologies
4 min readOct 5, 2023

Rygen Technologies is a premier supply chain technology provider, that enables any company to quickly, easily, and efficiently execute and manage freight, connect with partners, and unlock data insights for their supply chain. With emphasis on advanced technology and exceptional customer service, Rygen is fueling the creation of smarter, data-driven solutions that deliver real value and solve real business problems.

Image of truck being driven on a road.

Choosing a Transportation Management System (TMS) for your business is a big, important decision that affects your products, customers, and your business as a whole. The right TMS allows you to manage your shipments coming in and going out, effectively and hassle-free. With features like rate and carrier selection, track and trace, and order consolidation, you are in control.

Let’s rewind a little bit, though. We know we want the best TMS for our business, but what is the first step of this new endeavor? That would be asking the right questions!

Ask yourself:

1. What would I like to see in a TMS?

Knowing what you are looking for before the search begins can help you set priorities and reduce wasted time — whether it’s having a platform that is easy to use or one that is equipped with the latest and greatest features. Do you need a TMS that integrates to other systems, like WMSs and ERPs? How about integrating with analytics tools, like Tableau or Power BI? Also, it is important to consider your overall return on investment, or ROI. You obviously want a TMS that is increasing your overall revenue in the long run.

2. Is the TMS scalable to my growing business?

Your business will inevitably grow so you need a TMS that can scale with you. Switching TMSs is not ideal so let’s make the right decision the first time. Then, as your shipment orders increase, you won’t have to stress about managing them because the TMS you picked out in the early days has still got your back.

3. What short falls or limitations in my current process am I trying to solve for?

Before investing in a TMS, it is important to identify the problem(s) that you are trying to solve. Some part of your business’s process, or lack thereof, may be causing an issue that is resulting in inefficiency and waste. Targeting issues early-on helps you choose the TMS that best fits your business needs.

Ask a Vendor

4. How customizable is the platform?

Look for features that allow you to work freely within your TMS platform. It is ideal to look for a TMS that offers you a great deal of control and customization, is highly automated and configurable, scalable, and easily integrates with third-party providers. You don’t want a “one size fits all” platform.

5. What unique features can your TMS offer me that I won’t find elsewhere?

Just as you need a competitive advantage, the TMS you are seeking should offer its own. Look into vendors that offer unique features to fit your unique business needs. Some great features to inquire about include freight auditing, document generation, and advanced tendering and billing features. The usability and traceability of the product, as well as the ease of retrieving reporting and analytics are also matters to consider.

6. What does the integration process look like?

You want a smooth, effortless integration to take place. Ensure that integration will not affect your business operations negatively, sucb as delaying shipments for too long or interfering with orders placed. Also, knowing what systems you can integrate with is very important. Finally, you must ensure the process will not drag out. Find out how long it will take to get the TMS up, running, and ready for business.

7. What level of support do we get when we have purchased your system?

Knowing the level of support your vendor will offer and what the overall process looks like will help in not only choosing the right TMS, but also planning out your next steps. It is good to find out if training is offered, how to submit support tickets, who your point of contact is, etc.

Overall, the process to purchase a TMS, like all business decisions, requires research and a thought-out plan. Once you have considered the questions above, talked to vendors, and researched your options, you should be prepared to select the right TMS for your business.

Interested in learning about Rygen’s very own TMS, Corsair? Visit our website or schedule a discovery call to learn all about our revolutionary platform.

Source: Image by vecstock on Freepik

