James Lewandowski
4 min readFeb 26, 2019

Nursing Script: User Testing Script

Remember to take notes through this entire process, including the introducing. Use iPad and Apple Pencil to take notes and sketch out quick ideas as they bring up these ideas to you.


Hey! My name is James and I'm a junior in the Interative Program. Nice to meet you.

Subject to Improvising

Explain the Project + Interview

After Introductions complete between other UX/UI Student and Nurses — End Introduction line.

I'm sure you've been made aware  but just as a reminder me and {UI/UX Student} are from a User Experience class. This semester our class is reaching out to help the nursing students here at Maryville University by recreating an app that simplifies the process of creating your clinical documents.

Having completed our initial steps we are moving to app testing which we are happy that you are helping with. In this testing it is important that you be open and brutally honest about the functionality of the app, how well it works, what doesn't and what is necessary and unnecessary

Don’t hold back: In this sense of let us know brutally honest if something won’t work and what will work for you specifically — Subject to change via other person (unless they are with another student.)

Would you be alright if we recorded this interview?

Press Record

Get to know your tester

1. What is your reaction to the paperwork being redesigned as an iPad app?
2. How comfortable are you with technology?
3. Do you tend to use your iPad in landscape or portrait mode (if necessary explain the difference)
4. When you don't have too, do you use technology?
5. Are you quick at learning how to use applications?

Give nurses time to answer each question individually, be cordial and fun throughout.

After nurse’s answer questions Thank them for the answers

Thank you for answering these!

Explain the Prototype

Explain the process of the prototype and what it is

Taken from Class Example

“What I am going to show you today is a prototype. That means it's not a working app. Only some of the buttons and interactions work. As well, you can't type anything so everything you see will be a placeholder. I’ll help you understand if you get stuck.”

“How this work is I am going to ask you a question and then all you have to do is tell me the answer or click on the prototype based on what you see and understand."

“Make sense? Do you have any questions?”

Move through the Prototype; Ask Questions

Explain placeholder text as it appears

Let the Nurse students figure out what to do through simple tasks, don’t tell them how to perform the tasks.

Answer questions with questions

Don’t just determine if they can complete a task, how them how they feel about a task or interaction and if they have any suggestions

‌[sign in]

- Go ahead and register for a new account

information autofills
‌explain autofilling functions


- How easy was that interaction?
- Is there any steps in the registration steps you feel need to be there?
- How do you like the feel of the Dashboard?

- Click on the unfinished patient

[unfinished patient box]

- As you can see some information here is already completed, click on the unfilled information.

- How did that feel? Do you like the text boxes? Does it seem to work well?

[go back]

- Now click on the completed patient profile Bob Bobert

[bob bobert profile]

- Take a scroll through the information presented here including the inputed information

- Is there anything inaccurate in here, do you understand the things that are going on?

- Click on the informtion icon next to the Hospitalization Reason

[Hospilization Information]

- How does this information feel, popping up like this?

- Click the 'read more'


- Does this page make things more insightful for you as a student?

- Lets save this information to your Med Library.

- Would this function be helpful in your research?

- Lets return.

[bob bobert profile]

Let nursing student check out entire page

- Are there any changes you would make?

- Do you feel that this would shorten the time it takes to create your clinical?

- Lets check out some med cards, first lets return to the dashboard


- Scroll down the page until you find med cards or find it in the nav

[med card library]

- how does this interface feel, is it comfortable?

- do you feel that having access to this information like this is helpful?

- what would you change? Why?

- lets add a med card

nursing student clicks create

[med card creation]

- lets 'type' in information

information autofills

- go ahead and save this information.

- lets use the search function in the nav bar


- click the search field

information autofills

- does this feel like it would be helpful to you as you research information for your clinicals?

[finish up prototype show]

- thank you for looking at my prototype.

Clarifying Questions

1. On a scale of 1 to 5, 5 being very easy, 1 being very difficult, how would rate that experience?
2. What would you change about the overall experience?
3. What are some things you would make changes too? Significant and insignificant.
4. Does the design become a distraction at any point?
5. What could this app have that would make the process for you, individually, easier?

Add questions through the process of the interview to ask

The above questions are examples from the provided script and may not be necessary to ask. Use iPad notes as a better reference for questions.

Summarize + Close

Thank you for obliging us and our questions and for letting us take up part of your weekend for this project. We sincerely appreciate it.

Before we go I'd like to run over some important notes I took while we were interviewing you. Do you mind?

Give nurses a run down of information and a summary of the information gather and double check if it is correct.

James Lewandowski