Finding Solace in Sadness: Reflecting on Joys Amidst Loss

Obeaswan, B.Sc., M.Sc.
2 min readOct 12, 2023


Sadness is an inevitable part of the human experience, often arising from the loss of something or someone dear. However, in the midst of sorrow, it is essential to shift our perspective and find solace by reflecting upon the joys we experienced prior to the loss. In this article, we explore how using periods of sadness can lead to gratitude for past joys, with a specific focus on the example of a breakup where reminiscing about the good times can bring comfort and growth.

The Power of Reflection:

During times of sadness, it is natural to dwell on the pain and heartache of a loss. However, by intentionally shifting our focus towards the positive aspects of the past, we can find solace and even gratitude. Reflection allows us to acknowledge the joys we experienced and the lessons we learned, fostering personal growth and a sense of peace.

The Breakup: A Journey of Growth:

Let’s consider the example of a breakup in a relationship that initially seemed perfect. Over time, the two individuals grew apart, realizing that they were no longer compatible to live together. In the face of this loss, it is crucial to look back and reflect on the good times shared, the laughter, the love, and the lessons learned.

Gratitude for Joyful Memories:

Reminiscing about the good times can evoke a sense of gratitude, allowing us to realize the positive aspects of the relationship. Acknowledging the joys that we experienced with our partner helps us shift our perspective from sadness to gratitude. By focusing on these memories, we can find solace in knowing that the relationship was valid and brought happiness into our lives, even if it didn’t last.

Personal Growth and Lessons Learned:

Every relationship, even those that end, carries valuable lessons. Reflection during periods of sadness allows us to identify the personal growth we have undergone and the lessons we have learned. It helps us appreciate that the experience was not in vain but rather a steppingstone towards becoming a better version of ourselves.

Acceptance and Moving Forward:

Reflecting on the joys and lessons of past relationships can aid in the process of acceptance and moving forward. Understanding that the relationship served a purpose, regardless of its outcome, brings a sense of closure and peace. It allows us to acknowledge that we have grown as individuals and that the relationship, though it ended, played a positive role in our lives.


Using periods of sadness to reflect upon the joys we experienced before a loss can help us find solace and gratitude. By shifting our perspective, reminiscing about the good times, and recognizing the personal growth and lessons learned, we can navigate the challenges of loss with a sense of peace. Remember, the beauty of life lies not only in the joys we currently have but also in the memories of the joys we once experienced.



Obeaswan, B.Sc., M.Sc.

Just a resident SEER, Keeper of the North, Druid Of Doirecoll. Veteran, motivational articles, mental health and LGTBQ Advocate