Honesty vs. Truth: The Delicate Balance of Kindness

Obeaswan, B.Sc., M.Sc.
3 min readMay 21, 2024

In our interactions with others, the concepts of honesty and truth often come into play, and while they may seem synonymous, they are not the same. Understanding the distinction between honesty and truth is crucial, especially when it comes to being kind. One can be nice without being honest, but this niceness can be damaging to someone who is seeking genuine support and input. Conversely, telling the whole truth may not always be kind or appropriate. Honesty involves telling the truth as it needs to be released, whereas telling the whole truth can sometimes cause unnecessary harm. Finding the balance between honesty and truth is essential for fostering genuine, supportive relationships.

Honesty and Kindness

To be kind, one must be honest. Honesty is about being truthful in a way that respects the other person’s feelings and circumstances. It involves sharing what needs to be said without causing undue harm. For instance, if a friend asks for feedback on a project, honesty means providing constructive criticism that can help them improve, rather than glossing over the flaws to avoid hurting their feelings. This kind of honesty builds trust and shows that you care enough to help them grow.

Niceness Without Honesty



Obeaswan, B.Sc., M.Sc.

Just a resident SEER, Keeper of the North, Druid Of Doirecoll. Veteran, motivational articles, mental health and LGTBQ Advocate