My Life in Weeks // v26

Ryan Phillips
5 min readApr 30, 2019


Everything, as it begins, eventually comes to an end. The adventures we share. The people we share them with. Sometimes we may feel lost, searching for something. But if we look to the horizon, sometimes a faint light appears and we set sail to the very corners of the earth, one last time. (Source)

Every year in the time leading up to my birthday, I look back and I look forward. I think about the times where I loved life and the times where I wanted to crawl in bed and stay all day. It forms a sortove personal yearbook in my head. Since I tend to have a horrible memory, I decided to make this year’s personal yearbook more defined.

The year has been a wild one.

I listened to 43,067 minutes of music on Spotify.

I traveled 97,242 miles while visiting 8 countries and 13 states across the US.

I ran 462 miles with an average pace of 8' 23" including my first half marathon.

Several years ago I was inspired by a WaitButWhy blog post and decided to make my own personal Life in Weeks chart. The version you see below is my third iteration and represents my current state of mind.

I continue to find immense value in putting something like this together. It not only helps me reflect on the year looking back but helps me adjust the future. Each chart represent a chapter of my life. While they show a single point in time, the points on the chart share a much deeper meaning about my mindset each year.

As I look back over the past 3 years, I find myself wanting more context into the charts. I find myself wanting to catalog the mindsets each year. While it is nearly impossible to map out my entire life in a blog post, each year I will outline a few key things which are top of mind.

This year three trends stick out… .

This year I found myself focusing on events which started a broader trend in my life, rather than just a single event. For example, in High School I purchased my first camera. At the time, I didn’t think deeply about it. I knew I enjoyed photography so after saving for a summer I bought a Nikon D90. This turned into my first college job as a photographer in OU Student Media. This position opened campus up to me. I met some of my best friends through photography, I learned what the difference is between a hobby and job, and most importantly, I learned how to constantly push yourself to

During my 5 years I took over 125,000 pictures, traveled to dozens of sports games, and met some of the most amazing people of my life.

Buying the camera was the start of a lifelong passion which continues today. Similarly, joining the University Innovation Fellows program helped me realize the importance of mentoring. To this day, I try to spend time each week working with college students to help them achieve their dreams.

This is not to say that I do not prioritize singular events, while looking back I seemed to naturally focus on broader trends. It’s natural to notice that the past two years does not have anything highlight. It is unclear yet if there is truly nothing there or if it has not come to fruition yet (UIF and photography both took years before I realized their impact).

Second, I have focused on my time. San Francisco is a crazy place. Everyone is curious, driven, and talented at what they do. It is multiplied by the constant success stories. Sit in any coffee shop for 5 minutes and you’ll hear a story about someone who sold their company for “a small amount of $50M”.

I have made several changes to my day-to-day life which have really helped break away from this echo chamber. Instead of listening to technology and startup podcasts, I listen to fiction books through Audible. I deactivated my Facebook and deleted the Instagram app from my phone. I work away from my office at least once a week to change the scenery.

Finally, I have done tons of thinking about my future and that is still ongoing. This past year, I have worked with some incredible people and been pushed to learn a lot. Spending time in San Francisco has pushed me to think critically about what I want my future to be. Do I want to start a startup? Do I want to be technical, business, or design focused? What field do I want to work in?

I still do not have answers for these questions. What I do know is that each day I continue to challenge myself and learn something. Knowledge, like money, compounds its growth. If I continue to learn something every single day, I will find answers to these questions along the way.

Some of my favorite moments

While my Life in Weeks v26 focused on trends, the past year was still full of many incredible moments. Here are a few which stuck out.

In April 2018 I moved to San Francisco. Exploring this new city and making new friends has been a highlight of the past year. Moving to a new city has also helped me understand what I appreciate and want in a home. (Alt: Picture of the city overlooking San Francisco)
For the past 20 years, I have grown up listening to Justin Timberlake. Being able to sit just a few rows back from the stage and jam out to his greatest hits was a once-in-a-lifetime experience, and one that totally made my mom jealous. (Alt: Justin Timberlake singing on stage)
One of the highlights of my travels was spending a week in a small dutch town about an hour outside of Amsterdam. There was a meetup of students from around the world, brought together to share ideas, form connections, and learn from the amazing culture. This tent served as the center of energy for the event. (Alt: a large green circus tent with some lounge chairs)
Throughout everything, my family has been a rock. They support me no matter what crazy things I am doing and no matter what part of the world I am doing it in. They are the first ones I call when the sh*t hits the fan and are the strongest people I know. Love you Mom, Dad and Moose (Alt: My family and I pose in-front of Christmas lights)
Mentoring and ‘teaching’ university students continues to be a passion of mine. Each time I work with students I learn something about the world and about myself. This year I was lucky enough to be included on the teaching team for an Intro to Design Thinking course for 30 incoming Stanford graduate students with these amazing and goofy co-facilitators. (Alt: 6 co-facilitators sitting on a bright red couch wearing goofy sunglasses)
Somehow this year I tricked a conference into letting Nadia and I give the closing keynote titled “Creative Confidence for Humans”. The day featured incredible speakers from across the US sharing their work, building connections, and emerging themselves in new technology. (Alt: Ryan and Nadia standing on stage getting ready to give their keynote)
Helping others achieve their dreams is exhilarating. Being able to spend two weeks in Germany working with 18 startup teams trying to solve problems such as Pay Equity in the workplace and sustainable sourcing of materials across Africa was inspiring. (Alt: 6 people sit around a table at dinner during the startup accelerator)
If 2018 was the year of explorations, this was certainly a highlight. Zack and I hiked 8 miles around Pinnacles National Park including my first ever hike through a pitch black cave. No joke, I couldn’t see my hand right in-front of my face. (Alt: Zack and I taking a selfie on top of a peak during our hike)
Going on the college search with my brother has been an exciting theme over the past year. I’m amazed at how much he has grown up. I’m excited for him to take the next step in his journey. Love you Moose. (Alt: My brother and I pose in-front of the TCU sign on campus)
Andy, congrats on taking the next step with Molly, I’m so glad that we met as freshman in the dorms. You and Molly are an amazing couple and I’m lucky that you included me in your big day. I can’t think of a better way to celebrate then screaming and dancing to Taylor Swift at the top of our lungs. (Alt: We hug and dance on the dance floor).
This is Odesza… at Ultra 2019… Wow. They have been by far my favorite band of the past year and seeing them live just made me love them even more. See just below for a link to their latest album (Alt: Concert lights shine on a huge crowd in a covered arena)

Songs that i’m listening to

Music is a very important part of my life — it is rare that I go a day without listening to music. Below are a few of my favorites from this year.

Thanks to everyone who made my past year so special. I wouldn’t be who I am without you all. Heres to 27.




Ryan Phillips

Product @ Sourcegraph, Photography, Music, Snowboarding