EnigmaVista Episode # 4 The Guardian’s Riddle: Serenity Haven Unveiled

Rzi Ahmed
3 min readJan 19, 2024


Once upon a time, in the bustling city of Pondera, there lived a young man named Alex. Alex was known for his curious nature and love for solving puzzles. One day, he heard about a mysterious place called Serenity Haven, a paradise hidden behind two doors guarded by enigmatic sentinels.

Determined to uncover the secrets of Serenity Haven, Alex embarked on a journey. He finally arrived at the fabled location, only to be confronted by two massive doors, guarded by stern-looking sentinels named Marcus and Elias.

“I seek entry to Serenity Haven, the land of paradise,” declared Alex. “But I’m faced with a dilemma. One door leads to paradise, and the other to certain death. I’ve been told that one of you always tells the truth, while the other always lies. I can ask only one question to discover the path to paradise. What question should I pose to guarantee the right answer?”

The guards exchanged glances, seemingly unfazed by the predicament. After a moment of contemplation, Alex posed his question. “If I were to ask the other guard which door leads to paradise, what would he say?”

Marcus and Elias exchanged cryptic smiles before Marcus responded, “Elias would point to the door leading to death.”

With this information, Alex confidently chose the door that Elias did not indicate, and to his delight, he stepped into the breathtaking Serenity Haven. The air was filled with the sweet scent of blooming flowers, and the scenery was more enchanting than he could have ever imagined.

Overwhelmed by the beauty of Serenity Haven, Alex decided to explore its wonders. He strolled through lush gardens, admired sparkling waterfalls, and basked in the serenity that enveloped the entire place. However, little did he know that his adventure had caught the attention of the city’s authorities.

The ruler of Pondera, Queen Isabella, received word of a newcomer who successfully navigated the doors guarded by Marcus and Elias. Intrigued, she summoned Alex to her majestic palace to learn the secret behind his triumph.

In the grand throne room, Queen Isabella, adorned in regal attire, welcomed Alex with a gracious smile. “I’ve heard of your remarkable feat, young traveler,” she said. “You have managed what many have failed to achieve. Tell me, how did you outsmart the guards and discover the path to paradise?”

Alex explained the riddle, the guards, and his strategic question. Queen Isabella, impressed by his intellect, decided to make use of his skills for the betterment of Pondera. She revealed that Serenity Haven was not just a paradise for leisure but also held the key to immense wisdom and knowledge.

“Alex,” said Queen Isabella, “I appoint you as the guardian of Serenity Haven. Your task is to welcome those who possess the wit to decipher the riddle and guide them towards enlightenment. In return, you shall be granted the knowledge and tranquility that Serenity Haven has to offer.”

Grateful for the honor bestowed upon him, Alex embraced his new role. He stood at the doors, welcoming fellow seekers and helping them unlock the mysteries of the riddle. As time passed, Serenity Haven became a sanctuary for those seeking not only paradise but also the profound wisdom it held within.

And so, the story of Alex, the guardian of Serenity Haven, unfolded, proving that sometimes, the key to paradise lies not only in the destination but also in the journey of unraveling the mysteries that life presents.

If You Like this story, here is the other for you:

EnigmaVista Episode # 1: Mansion of Deceit: The Circular Riddle Unraveled

EnigmaVista Episode # 2 The Enchanted Library

EnigmaVista Episode # 3 The Curious Encounter

