Adapt with Ease: Mastering Orientation Changes in Jetpack Compose

Rafael Meneghelo
3 min readNov 13, 2023
Futuristic tech devices interconnected with luminous streams, highlighting intricate digital elements on a deep blue background.

Hello there, my fellow Kotlin enthusiasts!

In the realm of mobile development, handling different screen orientations elegantly is a cornerstone of creating a user-friendly application. Jetpack Compose, with its declarative UI paradigm, makes this task intuitive and less cumbersome compared to traditional Android UI development. Today, we shall traverse the path of managing orientation changes, armed with practical examples and the best practices to adopt along the way.

Detecting Orientation:

The first step in managing orientation changes is to ascertain the current orientation of the device. In Jetpack Compose, this information is easily accessible via LocalConfiguration.

fun OrientationDetector() {
val orientation = LocalConfiguration.current.orientation
val orientationText = if (orientation == Configuration.ORIENTATION_LANDSCAPE) {
} else {
Text("Orientation: $orientationText")

In this snippet:

  • LocalConfiguration.current.orientation provides the current orientation.
  • We then deduce whether the orientation is landscape or portrait and display it using a Text composable.

